INDEX XENOS - Alternate Aliens

By Giaus Novus Khan, in Fan Fiction

For the past few years I have been finding 'one-liners' on 'other' minor alien races from all of the 40K codices & books and developing them into their own Index Xenos articles (and then modeling them into 40K 'alternate' armies - with extensive modeling blogs). I thought that they would make good material for 'alternate aliens' for Rogue Traders and decided to share them. Most of the work is mine - and where I have copied stuff from GW it is meant as a tribute only. I've already posted them in the Rogue Trader Forum and so I won't repost them here as well.

I hope they give you all many ideas for your games.

Fantastic resource! I have bookmarked it and will be sure to cite you as a source should other Gms at my local club decide to run 40k based games.

These resources will be especially useful for the Jericho reach setting, where the xenos threat has been able to thrive in the darkness for way too long!

Thanks again and i eagerly await more!
