Walls in particular, but also to a lesser extent doors, are not ever actually defined by the rules. While at first glance, things seem simple enough, it is relatively common for players to ignore the internal wall-lets created when large rooms connect (which is fine for their games, until someone disputes...) but there are a small number of issues created by the lack of a clear definition for walls and doors.
To be honest, the last FAQ ruling that some effects do pass through (closed) doors actually worsened the problems.
Sample issues include:
i) Grapple, Aura etc extending through closed doors (adjacency is not blocked by doors).
ii) spaces on opposite sides of a wall, but connected at one corner only (see diagram, C and D) are technically adjacent. So although effects which rely on LOS will be blocked (eg Blast) effects which rely on adjacency will not (eg SoBs exploding skeletons, Grapple, Aura etc). Further, a figure with a radius effect like command may be able to use the breath + template example system to 'count' EDC (3 spaces) even though the effect passes through a solid wall and probably should count EDAC (four spaces).
iii) Runewitch Astarra, in a SoB campaign, has been able to activate Glyphs behind close *and rune-locked* doors before the heroes get to a runekey. Maybe that's fine, but I suspect that goes far beyond what was intended!
What do walls block?
Potential Answers
A1-1. Walls block everything. Walls block LOS. Walls block attacks. Walls block effects. Walls block adjacency (two spaces with a wall between them may not be considered adjacent) and walls block anything we haven't thought of yet. Walls may not be moved through under any circumstances. Walls may not be measured through for any purpose.
A1-2. Walls block LOS. Walls block attacks. Walls block effects. Walls may not be moved through under any circumstances.
A1-3. Some other clear combination.
Question 2:
What do closed doors block?
Potential Answers
A2-1. Closed doors may be treated as walls.
(Note that this may be a change from the previous FAQ ruling, depending on the answer to Question 1 above).
A2-2. Closed doors block (pick and choose from the list) Movement, Attacks, LOS, Adjacency (two spaces with a door between then are not considered adjacent), affects with a radius. Closed doors do not block (pick all not picked from the list before).
A2-3. Closed doors may be treated as walls except they do not block (...).
Discussion notes (for us, not FFG)
This is quite a biggie, and I suspect FFG will probably bury their head in the sand and ignore it, but I do believe we should try at least. The answers are very simple if they are willing to change the last FAQ ruling and only slightly more complex if they are not. I think the complete list of things that must be considered is
1. Movement
2. LOS
3. Attacks
4. Adjacency
5. Effects with a range
But feel free to add in anything I've forgotten.
It is also possible that the reference to the breathe/template system for command might clash with the previously defined 'big square temple' 'radius' ruling in the FAQ. I am not sure whether we should drop this reference entirely, or watch it carefully.