An encounter ends in a TPK when either of two circumstances happen. First, when the heroes are all dead or fled and second, when the Revenge is sunk. If the Revenge is sunk then it reappears next time with full wounds etc. But what happens if the Revenge is badly damaged but not sunk, and all the heroes are killed/fled? By RAW the Revenge would seem to appear at the next encounter badly damaged. Some people are unhappy about this so the question comes up. There isn’t a clear answer in the rules, just an absence of an answer, which is enough for some players but not enough for others. It can also lead to an easy double TPK if a party does not have the cash to heal (repair) the Revenge before setting out on the high seas again.
If an encounter ends with the last hero dying and the Revenge is not yet sunk, is the Revenge considered sunk by the
monsters and thus next appear fully healed?
A1. Yes, the Revenge is sunk by Monsters who board it after the heroes are gone and it reappears fully healed at the next
A2. No, the Revenge is not sunk by the monsters. The Revenge keeps all it’s damage unless the party spends time to heal it at the shipyards.
A3. Something else?