Scenario Builder

By Delget, in Tide of Iron

What's the OFFICIAL status of the scenario builder for Tide of Iron? The link is broken, but you can eventually find it and download the .exe. However; it is only for the base game, not any of the expansions. When digging for said editor, the one listed on the support page, also reveals some interesting information on the status, aka dead, of the editor. Some type of falling out between the author and FFG. That happens and I'm not particularly interested in that saga. That said, it's interesting that it's still a link on this site.

My real interest how others might share their works of art, called TOI scenarios, and what, if anything, FFG is going to provide along those lines? While there seems to be only a little real interest in the game as a whole, if there was, I think we'd see a lot more involvement by FFG to expand the game and even post a little on the form, I tend to like it and would think an editor, any kind of semi-official one, would be benificial. Or not. Thoughts anyone?

I don't think the game sold as well as they hoped it would. That said, there is some fan base, though not alot. Further expansions may grow the base in the future if they ever get released. An editor would be nice but I don't see it happening unless someone does it for free. So for the moment we are stuck with pictures and photoshop for making scenarios.

It really sucks that TOI is not all that popular, its such a great game. I dont see any reason why it wouldnt be very popular; other than maybe the price, but then again there are plenty of very popular games that are just as expensive as TOI.

Pilot17 said:

It really sucks that TOI is not all that popular, its such a great game. I dont see any reason why it wouldnt be very popular; other than maybe the price, but then again there are plenty of very popular games that are just as expensive as TOI.

Price would certainly be one factor. I also think that TOI fills a niche that is not really all that broad. For starters it may not provide enough escapism for many people. A look through FFG's catalog reveals it is weighted rather heavily toward Sci-fi and Fantasy themes. The outstanding success over the last 20 odd years of a certain "workshop of Games" is testament to the popularity of these genres. There may be many people who have never played "historical" wargames before and find the thought of them slightly intimidating or even dull. For those who are wargame veterans, TOI may not be "meaty" enough. Indeed recent posts on this forum have revealed that TOI is for some, the compromise between wanting to play games like ASL but not being able to get anybody into them, to playing nothing at all.

TOI is indeed a very fine game and holds it own remarkably well. But it is stuck firmly between the slightly less complex "gateway" game of Memoir 44 and other more complex and realistic wargames. For some reason this position seems somewhat more difficult to attract people to. Yet I am surprised by the number of people I often come across who are aware of TOI and are really curious to check it out. Around 90% of these people have played or are regular Memoir 44 players. Why is that game so popular? Is it Days of Wonders marketing? Is TOI in need of a real promotions push by FFG?

I think it could very well be a promoting issue. Not that FFG did not promote it, they did a lot when it first came out, but it hasnt had enough recently in my opinion. I think if they made it one of the main games that they promoted, showcased and demonstrated at conventions many more people would get into it.

The first wargame i ever played was warhammer 40k (well.. other than risk and axis & allies of course), which is very complex, and this game is "meaty" enough for me. I bought M44 before this game came out and i got TOI only because that was not nearly complex enough for my liking.

I was a 40k player too a deep dark past that I have left behind me. But the heavier wargames that I am thinking about, when making comparisons to TOI and Memoir, is that of Advanced Squad Leader and the like. Those games coming from the tradition of paper maps and cardboard chits with rule manuals that would rival an academic thesis. Games I have longed to try...but have never known anybody who played them either.

I would like to try those games to see how they work, but i would probably have trouble finding opponents as well.

Has anyone come up with a point value for the units in the game? Im trying to build a scenario and make it balanced but there isnt a listing of the units and their point build values.

Is the Scenario Builder for TOI still available, anywhere? How can I get it?