The purpose of this sub-forum is to help aid in the discussion of questions and proposed solutions to questions posed by the community that could use official clarification from Fantasy Flight Games.
Please keep general questions out of this forum section.
Please help us keep this sub-forum clean and limited to discussions that have already been researched and cleaned up.
A small group of players have been collecting unresolved discussions (from the boards here on Fantasy Flight Games and from discussions held at, cleaning up the discussions, and narrowing down to possible rulings. This has been done this to help streamline the decision process and hopefully ease the amount of time needed by Fantasy Flight Staff.
We have over 35 questions gathered and a small discussion of the GLOAQ and will post them a few at a time every few days for the community to add any final discussion to the posts. (But not all at once to avoid overwhelming the forum.)
Corbon and Thundercles have put a lot of work into this and the collection of these topics. Lets help them get these discussions ready for FFG to clarify these discussions for us!