Spiritwalker & Guard Combo

By greatnurgle, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hi there,

in our last Descent-Game we had have a little discussion about the following situation.

Runemaster Thorn (or any other wizard) has the skill 'Spiritwalker' and on his turn he use a Ready-Action with the 'Guard' order.
In the Overlords turn, Runemaster Thorn interrupts the Overlord's turn to use the Guard-Token, but he use his 'Spiritwalker' skill, too (e.g. he use Arvel
Worldwalker which is just around the corner and within the 10 spaces).

Q: Is the 'Spiritwalker'-'Guard'-Combo allowed?


P.S.: I have to say, we are Germans playing with the englisch edition!

Yes, this is allowed. A hero using a Guard attack has access to all appropriate skills .

spirit walker is pain for the OL. My first game at road to legend was a nightmare with that skill and breath's rune in game.

i suggest you to "remove" that card from the game (and even bear tatoo)

The Spiritwalker skill has been downgraded in RTL from 10 spaces to 5 due to the smaller dungeons.It's in the FAQ.

Lol I am currently in a RtL game and I have Thorn, and Spiritwalk. I also just recently picked up shadow soul leading me to jump all over those tiny little dungeons and nail the monsters with blast from the other heroes. I have to say its really pissing off the OL because he cant get Thorn with out some serious chess like tactics. I would refrain from removing the card because its a random chance a hero would get it (along with the bear tattoo), unless the heroes train to pick it up and then they just wasted time, money and put some effort into getting it.

Also just because you see one thing that seems unbalanced or unfair just because people use it excessively doesn't mean it is. Just think of all the cool things you can do as OL, like Dark Charm, Dark Relics, or many other things that the other side might yell, BAN IT, ITS TO POWERFUL AND UNFAIR!.