New adventures step into the world of Terrinoth

By Ludlov Thadwin of Sevenpiecks, in Runebound

So after a long time of thinking about it, at last I got Runebound and played it last night with a friend. I have to say, we had a blast! This is precisely the game I was hoping for and really scratches that particular "D&D light" itch I was having. What I like most about the game is that it's so narrative. With the event cards and the flavour text on the challenges and encounters, it really feels like you're in a story... And that's what I was missing a bit in Descent. Now these two games are really complementing each other for me.

Now which expansion to get? :)

That's exactly how I feel about Runebound, too. It's a great game with a great narrative flow. Each of the expansions tells a different story, so things are never dull in RB-land!

I think Sands of Al-Kalim is still widely considered to be the "best" of the big boxes. Island of Dread is fun in my books, too. Frozen Wastes is good from a mechanical perspective, but the story it tells is a bit shady to me. It uses plot devices I'm not fond of at all. I don't own Zanaga yet, so I can't really comment on that one.

The only big box expansion I have is Island of Dread. Lots of fun, but other players tend to rate it below the others.

The variant decks are a cheaper way to change up the main game. The Cataclysm is my favorite and really shakes up the gameplay by making most of the cities inaccessible for most of the game. It also introduces trading while in the wilderness.

The Cult of the Rune is good. Adds a moving token that represents the cult. The goal is to score points by defeating cult members.

The Seven Scions is ok, but not my personal favorite.

Crown of the Elder Kings is fun, but be prepared for the forced PVP at the end.

Those are the only variant decks I have. I wish they would put out some new ones.

Thanks for the replies guys!

Sands of Al-kalim looks very nice. I really dig that whole Arabian Nights feel it seems to have. But the card expansions are cheaper I assume. The one thing that I'm worried about a bit is that after playing a few times we'll be completely familiar with all the creatures and plotlines we can encounter so some card expansions might not be a bad idea. My girlfriend and I just rented our first appartment though, so I really need to check my expenditures or we won't have any furniture :)

The encounter expansions help a lot. We've bought several, including hunting down one of the rare out of print ones. So far, having the game for about 6 months of moderate play, we're still seeing cards come up that haven't been dealt with before. And a couple of Variant expansions are waiting in the wings along with 2 big boxes not yet played. The fear of monotony in RB is a little overrated unless you're playing a lot.

I haven't played them yet - but I have picked up and am excited to get into the adventure variants. They are a great inexpensive way to alter the base game without a full big box... and yes I get the irony that after buying 4 of them... yes... I could have just gotten a big box. :)

that'll come - but we have enjoyed the heck out of the base game - so much so that we haven't even tried a variant yet!

Right there with you, S.G. We've bought two market expnasions, two encounter expansions, two variants, and two big boxes... and after 6 months we're still playing the core game itself... though we only play twice a month on average.

I'm also something of a fan of Runebound.


P.S. - If by fan you mean someone who owns ever expansion ever released... has played them all many times... is working on getting all the miniatures painted... spends significant time working one fan made content... and often judges new games by how they compare to Runebound.... then yes... I'm something of a fan.

P.S.S. - Which brings to Cadwallon: City of Thieves. I figure I have to get the game just for the 20 new miniatures if nothing else since it would not be that hard to make Runebound hero cards for them and the miniatures are awesome!!! I can only hope the game itself compares as favorably.

Good to know the game can be played for a while without expansions :)

I had a solo game the other day as well and I was surprised how enjoyable that experience was. It's a nice moment for some relaxing music and maybe a glass of port while slaying monsters all around Terrinoth.

I bought adventure expansion Cult of the Runes, but so far still playing base game. It's very enjoyable. Thinking however about getting box expansions.

After reading people opinions I think top 2 are Zanaga and Sands. However I'm kind of fan of this title so probably I buy all of them sooner or later.

The problem with most of expansion is that they can be played only with base game. I think as well about midnight. It's a bit different from all other 4 boxes but I think I give it try. Anyway you can download rules for all of them read them and then decide what you like.

berto said:

The problem with most of expansion is that they can be played only with base game. I think as well about midnight. It's a bit different from all other 4 boxes but I think I give it try. Anyway you can download rules for all of them read them and then decide what you like.

If you're seriously interested in Midnight, you might want to snap it up wherever you find a copy. That one is out of print and isn't coming back.