problem with translated version (again)

By Jack and THE Hammer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Some things are not so clear, others can be "read" in more than one way.

First, Each heroes during him turn can use one potion for any type,( so like heal potion AND fatigue potion AND power potion) or ONLY one(he'll decided of what kind)?

Can red scorpion (in base and rtl version) use her main ability multiple times during her tunr? or only one times? So can she inflict herself 4 wound to recevoer 4 fatigue in her turn?

When the heroes or the OL miss an attack (when the dice show an X) they still count the surges? the Ol still takes the TT and the heroes can still use the weapons ability (like "for every 2 surges the OL discard a TT) ?

Only one potion per turn. Not one of each type. That is, the heroes can drink either one healing potion or one vitality potion or one invulnetrability potion or one invisibility potion or one power potion.

Red Scorpion can use her ability once per turn-either spend 1 fatigue to heal one wound or vice versa.

If an attack misses, all the surges are wasted-the overlord doesn't get threat tokens, and the heroes can't use the special abilities of weapons. The attack misses when either an X result is rolled or because of insufficient range(in a ranged or magic attack). In the latter case, heroes may still spend any surges on the dice to gain enough range, if their weapon allows it.


wow i bet red scorpion was a little better than this...maybe the FF will upgraded she

I recall a discussion, possibly on a previous incarnation of the forum, where Red Scorpion's ability was discussed. Zealot is absolutely correct as far how she works per RAW, but I recall a general agreement that letting her use her power multiple times per turn probably wouldn't be game breaking as a house rule, especially considering how weak she is in general. Just some food for thought.