Was it Descent missing Runebound figs or Runebound missing Descent figs?

By Frog, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Awhile back you guys figured out that either Runebound or Descent was missing a set of heroes. One game had an extra set of heroes.

Which system is missing the heroes? What were the heroes?

(not talking about the Zanaga heroes from Runebound or the Dungeonquest heroes)

Frog said:

Awhile back you guys figured out that either Runebound or Descent was missing a set of heroes. One game had an extra set of heroes.

Which system is missing the heroes? What were the heroes?

(not talking about the Zanaga heroes from Runebound or the Dungeonquest heroes)

The Well of Darkness heroes came from Drakon, so there is no Runebound counterpart to any of them (except fan-made ones.) That would be Tetherys, Nanok the Blade, Runemaster Thorn, Lord Hawthorne, Laurel of Bloodwood and one of the dwarves (Brother Glyr I think, maybe Corbin. I can never remember which came from WoD and which from AoD.)

Steve-O said:

Frog said:

Awhile back you guys figured out that either Runebound or Descent was missing a set of heroes. One game had an extra set of heroes.

Which system is missing the heroes? What were the heroes?

(not talking about the Zanaga heroes from Runebound or the Dungeonquest heroes)

The Well of Darkness heroes came from Drakon, so there is no Runebound counterpart to any of them (except fan-made ones.) That would be Tetherys, Nanok the Blade, Runemaster Thorn, Lord Hawthorne, Laurel of Bloodwood and one of the dwarves (Brother Glyr I think, maybe Corbin. I can never remember which came from WoD and which from AoD.)

Sweet! So the only figs us Descenters are missing are Zanaga. I like Dungeonquest as well so those will not be a problem.

The Zanaga guys look really cool!

The figures/chars from Runebound: Midnight are also not available for Descent.

Parathion said:

The figures/chars from Runebound: Midnight are also not available for Descent.

That's true, actually. I never think of them since MIdnight was something of a... unique... expansion. IIRC, it wasn't part of the Terrinoth continuity.

Parathion said:

The figures/chars from Runebound: Midnight are also not available for Descent.

And that is a good thing. Midnight has nothing to do with Terrinoth.