Yet more questions of the Kraken...

By Mcmanus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Well, hopefully at some point, we ll have answers from FFG to our questions about SoB, but in the meantime....

Im using a house rule I saw in BGG(Jee posted it)about the Kraken, it doesnt limit the distance the tentacles can travel from the host and they have Swim, Iron Skin and Regeneraton 5. So far so good but, some questions arised.

-Can the OL spend 2 thread to move one square more?if so, can he do that meanwhile the Tentacle is grappling a Hero?

-If the OL drag a Hero to the water with the tentacle must he spend fatigue etc due water?

Thank you very much!

Link to the house rule:

I cant edit anymore, I meant the tentacle in this question.

-Can the OL spend 2 thread to move one square more?

If the tentacles do Grapple a hero (i.e. if the tentacles have Grapple and not a different one) and if the ability was not modified for SoB, then there is no way of dragging a hero anywhere.

A Grappling Naga would simply move away without the hero who would be free to spend MP again.

If the tentacles count as figures then they should be able to move additional spaces for 2 threat each.

A figure with the Tentacle ability (referred to as the
“controlling figure”) places a number of tentacle markers
adjacent to itself equal to its rank in Tentacle when placed on a
map. Each tentacle has attributes according to the chart below
and moves and attacks independently of the controlling figure.
Tentacles activate after the controlling figure each round.

Tentacle Attributes
Campaign Level
Speed Armor Wounds
Copper 3 4 10
Silver 4 5 25
Gold 5 6 50

Tentacles cannot move farther than three spaces away from the
controlling figure, but may enter and even end their movement
in the same space as an enemy figure. No more than one
tentacle may be in a single space. An enemy figure in the same
space as a tentacle is Grappled (as the ability). A tentacle that
begins its activation already having Grappled an enemy figure
may either Constrict (as the ability) or move the enemy figure
(and itself) one space (usually to pull the enemy closer to the
controlling figure’s mouth.)

It's way diferent how they work, also I dont know if they count as a figure(I guess they do)

Ah, ok.

Well, it reads to me that moving any extra space would not be allowed while dragging a hero.

And if the hero enters water in the process, he has to pay fatigue, as per the FAQ.

Parathion said:

Ah, ok.

Well, it reads to me that moving any extra space would not be allowed while dragging a hero.

And if the hero enters water in the process, he has to pay fatigue, as per the FAQ.


The whole thing is a total botch job though. Hopefully it will be sorted out for the next FAQ.

Since it has come up, and we are still waiting for any active response from FFG, here is my 'starting point' for a tentacle discussion, prior to sending to FFG for FAQing.


The rules for the Kraken, and attendant tentacles are unclear to many people and have significant issues that need addressing.
First, the nature of the Tentacles themselves is sometimes confusing.
Are tentacles part of the Kraken?
Do they get the special abilities of the Kraken?
Does each Tentacle have tentacle5 ability? Does it have Swim?
While the answers to these questions might be fairly obvious to most people, they are likely to be inherently inconsistent (I assume the answers to the last two questions are no, and yes respectively!)
And these answers being obvious do not help us with Ironskin and Regen5, which are *not* entirely obvious.
Questions have also been asked about whether the tentacles also might have the Pierce10/Poison/Bleed attack (!).
A clear definition of the Kraken’s Tentacles is probably the easiest way to clarify these Questions.

Second, The Kraken and Tentacles move separately, and often at considerably different speeds (the Kraken, being a Lt, may Run), yet they are ‘naturally joined’ (one assumes!) and come with a rule stating the tentacles may not move further away from the Kraken than 3 spaces. However what happens if the Kraken moves further from the tentacles than 3 spaces? Is it prohibited? Are the tentacles restricted in their movement afterward? If so, how?
These issues can be cleared up either with a comprehensive set of options but they could also be resolved with a ‘new’ set of rules for the Kraken – it isn’t as if the existing set of rules tell us very much!

Q1. What Abilities do the Kraken’s Tentacles have?

Q2 and Q3. The Kraken and it’s tentacles move at different speeds and at different times. Yet the tentacles are restricted in their movement. How do these interact?

A1-1. The Krakens Tentacles have the abilities Swim, Ironskin and Regen 5. In addition they have all the usual functions of Tentacles. They do not have the bite ability (Pierce10, Poison, Bleed)
A1-2. As 1-1 but delete some or all abilities.
A1-3. As 1-1 but delete none, some or all abilities and remove the last sentence.

A2-1. The Tentacles may not move (more than 3 spaces) away from the Kraken. The Kraken may move (more than 3 spaces) away from the Tentacles. This may mean that the tentacles get left a long way behind the Kraken when it moves and take several turns of movement before they can catch up.
A2-2. The Tentacles may not move (more than 3 spaces) away from the Kraken. The Kraken may not move (more than 3 spaces) away from the Tentacles.
A3-1. Tentacles which are not within 3 spaces of the kraken may only move to any space that is not further away from the kraken
A3-2. Tentacles which are not within 3 spaces of the kraken may only move to any space that is closer to the kraken

A4. This is a new additional rule for the Kraken. All previous rules are still followed. At the end of each Kraken Movement the Kraken may choose to remove any or all tentacles from their current positions and reposition them in water spaces so that at least one of their spaces is adjacent to the Kraken. Tentacles repositioned in this way do not affect figures they had previously ‘grappled’. After this repositioning the tentacles may be activated as normal. This represents the Kraken withdrawing it’s tentacles temporarily.
A5. This is a new additional rule for the Kraken. All previous rules are still followed. The Kraken may sacrifice it’s entire activation, and the activation of each of it’s tentacles, to do the following move. The Kraken may move to any water (deep) space within 8 spaces (without entering any intervening space) and reposition each of it’s remaining tentacles so that at least one of their spaces is adjacent to it. The tentacles will not then activate as their activation is
also sacrificed to do this move. This represents the Kraken diving temporarily diving deeper underwater.
A6. Some variant of either of the above. For example, maybe the tentacles choose this individually *as* their own activation instead of collectively, after the Kraken's activation in A5.

I don’t really approve of ‘suggesting’ new rules entirely, but the Kraken rules are just such as mess that something needs be done! I am happy to drop the ‘new rules’ suggestions if most other people feel the same way.

EDIT: New variation on the forum bug. This time it removed the word 'delete' twice as well as 'drop' once. Still weird!

Nice corbon, as always, but...still do we have "gaps" what happen if a tentacle its on the ship and they strafe and the tentacle move further than 3 spaces from the Kraken. With your new house rule I ll say they withdraw due it dont have "more tentacle left to move", now what happen if it was grappling a hero when this happens...

I ll try after work this, Im making mockups of fights, before my heroes players reach those situations...I dont like to slow down the peace of the game =).

Also what happen if a tentacle drag a Hero into the water, and a shark attack that hero, as it have swarm it will get a power boost? or not due he is not adjacet...

When attacking, a figure with the Swarm ability may roll one
extra black power die or upgrade one of its power dice by one
level for every other friendly figure adjacent to its target (up to
the normal maximum of five total power dice).

Anyway, thank you both very much!

Once again sorry to replay to my own thread, but as you know you cant edit =S.

Well I have another issue with the Kraken, what happens if one of the heores have Unstoppable?

I mean lets say the Kraken kill all the heroes but 1, but that hero have Unstoppable....neither the OL or the hero can win, is that a stalemate?=)

I agree on the tentacles needing major clarification, and I'm really hoping they do just that in the next FAQ. Don't forget though that tentacles aren't just used by the Kraken, but also used by the Void, and I'm not sure if it has the Swim ability on it's card (though I think it does).

As for the question about a hero being immune to Grapple (such as through the armors that grant such immunity), I would rule that it does not affect a tentacles ability to "grapple" a hero and drag him. If you read the rules for tentacles it does not give them the "Grapple" ability (obviously since they don't prevent enemy figures adjacent to them from spending MP, which the Grapple ability does). Instead it just says that heroes they move on top of are "grappled as per the ability", which I take to mean that although it works similarly, it does not count as actually having the ability and therefore being able to be countered by things that negate Grapple.

If that isn't the case, encounters with the Kraken or the Void become totally pointless if the heroes get ahold of one of the suits of armor that grants immunity to Grapple, since they can just chain pass it to each other in order to break free from the tentacles sorpresa.gif , which I'm sure is not what was intended.

Yeah, I think I ll rule that, that tentacles can "grapple" an Unstoppable just lets see if Varikas agree;).