Road To Legend Quick Mobile Guide

By tundrra, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

hiya folks,

I bought Descent last christmas and have played a half dozen games, with lots of down time between each one, so im still a noob. But being the Overlord i have had to try and learn the game inside and out. With all the different rule books and fan site quick guides, i found it takes me for ever to find the information i need while in the campaign, and what order to do them all in.

So i have developed a interactive quick reference guide for a mobile device, specifically with a iphone or ipod touch in mind. The guide is currently for Road to Legend and is not completely finished, but i have enough of it done i felt i could go ahead a launch it. I was going to wait and play test it a couple sessions but that could take monthes with my play schedule. Here it is i hope it keeps the game going smoothly for other noobs like me.

I should have the RtL portion done before my next game session, Then i will be adding the base game rules and SoB after that.


Awaiting SoB ones!