FAQ 1.4?

By Mcmanus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I was browsing the Descent spanish forums and suddenly I saw this, FAQ 1.4


And I say hey, I just have 1.3 great I ll take a look, first it says :Updated July 28, 2008...weird...there is no info about SoB....weird....but its even more weird that they have 1.3 to dowload at their site.:

www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite_sec.asp .

By the way in the "1.4" there are "clarifications" like:

Q: When the heroes return to Tamalir after completing a
dungeon, can they Visit the town?
A: Yes

The 1.3 was:

Q: When the heroes return to Tamalir after completing a
dungeon, can they Visit the town?
A: No.

Wondering about SoB...

Link to the original spanish thread


The latest version of FAQ that I have on my computer is not a version, rather just a date. March 18, 2010.

In this version that I have, it has SoB clarifications and the fixed question you mentioned.

There have, in fact, been five versions of the FAQ published since v1.4, all of which have had a filename labeling them as v-1-3. There was also another FAQ called v1.3 that came out before v1.4. So that makes six v1.3 files in total, five of them being more recent than v1.4.

So the "1.4" that I have linked its old right?

Mcmanus said:

So the "1.4" that I have linked its old right?

yes. Very old!

The current FAQ is dated 18 March 2010 and named v1.3.

Thought so! I was really mad with that =P

Thank you!