Noob questions!!

By Krieger91, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Really enjoying the game, but I have some really noob questions :D

1. If you roll dice for an attack, but get ONE miss. Does that mean you MISS that entire attack?

2. Can the overlord re-use the spawn monster cards each round, if he has the tokens that is?

1. Yes, the entire attack misses. It's not even possible to roll more than one miss on most attacks.

2. No. Once the overlord plays a card, it is no longer in his hand (power cards remain in play, others go into the discard pile after being resolved).

If the overlord has several spawn cards in his hand, he can play one per turn, until he runs out of cards or threat. Even identical cards (for example, there are two "Beastman War Party" cards). But not the same card, until you reshuffle and draw it again.

Edit: yeah, what Antistone said.

Krieger91 said:

Really enjoying the game, but I have some really noob questions :D

1. If you roll dice for an attack, but get ONE miss. Does that mean you MISS that entire attack?

2. Can the overlord re-use the spawn monster cards each round, if he has the tokens that is?

1. Yes. All the dice rolled together constitute one attack. So if any roll a miss, that entire attack misses. Usually only one of the dice will actually have an X face though.

2. WHen a card is played it is discarded (except for some powers that say 'put this card into play' or something similar - they are permanent effects). So the OL won't have that card in his hand any more and can't play it again (unless the game goes long enough for him to cycle through his deck and redraw it). Spawn cards are no different. When you play the spawn card it goes to the top of your discard pile, so you can't play the same card again next turn - it is no longer in your hand. You could play another spawn card, even one that is the same

Oh, so you can play multiple spawn cards in one round?

3. I am confused about curses in the vanilla game, I think you get that amount of threat tokens or something a long the lines of that correct?

No, you can only play one spawn card in your turn.

When a chest says that you get a curse, you collect one threat for every hero. So a chest that contains 3 curses would give you 12 threat in a 4-hero game. You can use this threat to play a trap card on the chest even. When a hero gets a curse (eg. from equipping a cursed item or killing a master dark priest), that just means they gain one curse token, raising their CT value.

No, only one in the OL turn, but you could play another exemplar in the next one.

You mean curses in chests? Yes that are threat tokens.

€: Ohh... 1 curse = 1 threat per hero? Good to know ... angel.gif

Are there really any rules on being healed in town? We were playing the other day and came to the conclusion that health potions are the only ways of healing. We thought maybe you could go to town and spend your turn healing at the temple instead of shopping. Whats the word on this?

We played that the potion limit is abolished in town, so you can heal as often as you want for 50 gold. But I'm astonished not to find it in the rules, so this can only be a houserule!!

Healing at teh temple in town is only a rule in Advanced Campaigns. Each town has a differently rated temple (for how many wounds it can heal in a turn). There is no such rule in vanilla Descent.

In the vanilla game, after a quest, what do you do with all the items you have? Put them back in the cards and start out with nothing correct?

Krieger91 said:

In the vanilla game, after a quest, what do you do with all the items you have? Put them back in the cards and start out with nothing correct?


Each quest is entirely separate.

You are actually better off starting completely afresh - new heroes, new skills, everything. It is better to experience a wider range of heroes, skills etc and test different playstyles out.

The 'campaign' rules for vanilla are a patched on botch-job. It is better to ignore them completely, as much to avoid being 'sucked in' to thinking you are playing some sort of campaign with 'progression' for your heroes (you aren't - it is just a collection of independent quests loosely bound by some fluff), as because the rules themselves are pretty weak.

Balance wise, there is no possible way you can be allowed to keep your items etc between quests. Each quest is designed to start low power and grow to high power within the same quest, with the main power boosts being treasures. If you start with treasures from previous quests you have already broken the power cycle design.