Dragon Sight v. Stealth & Queen Daenarys' Horde

By Sinis, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion

Dragon Sight effectively makes the defender declare participants before the attacker when it is Summer.

How does this interact with Stealth, or Queen Daenarys' Horde?

Does the player with Dragon Sight get to exclude characters with stealth once they start declaring attackers (after the defenders)?

Does a player with QDH exclude all the defenders if the defending player has no queen?



If you play Dragon Sight and it is Summer, you will lose the benefit of both Stealth and the ability on Queen Dany's Horde.

Stealth lets you choose one character controlled by the defending player which can then not defend for each attacking character with the keyword. If you use Dragon Sight, there are no attacking characters when defending characters are declared, so Stealth hasn't kicked in yet to prevent them from being declared. After you declare your attackers, you can choose characters which can then not defend if you like, but there is nothing in Stealth that will remove a character that is already defending, so it's a pointless exercise.

Similarly, Queen Dany's Horde only stops opponents from declaring defenders if it is attacking (alone). With Dragon Site, the defenders would be declared before Queen Dany's Horde was attacking. And again, since there is nothing in the Horde's ability that specifically removes characters that are already defending, by the time you do declare it as an attacker (alone), it's too late for its ability to stop defenders from being declared.

Once a character is declared as an attacker or defender, it can only be removed from a challenge by an effect that specifically says to remove the character from the challenge. Neither Stealth nor the Horde do that. Since Dragon Site reverses the order of declaring attackers and defenders, it essentially eliminates the benefits of effects like Stealth and the Horde which rely on the characters to be declared as attackers before defenders are declared. On the plus side, you do know exactly which defenders you're dealing with before you commit attackers.

ktom said:

After you declare your attackers, you can choose characters which can then not defend if you like, but there is nothing in Stealth that will remove a character that is already defending, so it's a pointless exercise.

I would agree in 98 % of all cases, but especially in clasic / legacy format stealth could still be of some use. I´m thinking about cards like:

