Should they make an Expansion pack?

By Rotneybot, in Sid Meier's Civilization: The Board Game

I checked the main page of Civilization the Board Game, and I checked the entire page, but I didn't see the expansion pack. I'm just asking, should they create an expansion pack. Please write down what you think. Thank you for reading, and commenting!

Well, the base game itself isn't even out yet, which would probably explain why there are no expansions for it. gui%C3%B1o.gif

No doubt they will come in time, though.

Definently needs an expansion. At the very least there needs to be a way to open it up to 6 players.

Agree to Harliquine... This game has so much potential... I hope they use it.

Greetings from hell


Loving just about all of the FFG games they carry, if they come out with one I'll be buying it. (Heck, I'd love to see a Runewars expansion.) But judging by how the most resent games that they have created, I believe that this will feel like a complete game.

But, that being said, I still wouldn't mind seeing a 5-6 player expansion.

Owning the game and having played it several times now, it is very open for an expansion pack or two. I would imagine that there would be extra races and wonders in an expansion pack as well as new main board tiles.

As for making the game 6 players, while that would be cool it would take well over 4 hours to complete any game. That may be for some but not for me.

Based on some of the other boardgames, I guess there will be an expansion. I'm hoping for an upgrade to fit up to 6 players in a game and new leaders. The more nations translated from the PC game, the better ... more wonders would be nice too.

I'm hoping an expansion that allows up to 8 players. My games group needs the space for our irregular members.

We accept that by adding players it will add game time, but we currently run 8 - 14 hours with Twlight Imperium 3rd Edition anyway.

of cource they should make an expansion pack

I don't think it's the question of should they rather than have they started on the expansion pack? And they probably have.

I was waiting at my work (Ancient Wonders) when UPS showed up with this game. Since then I have played it 3 times and yes they should put out an expansion.

We were talking it over at the shop and one idea we have kicked around is a six player version were the map is extended by 3 rows one way and 1 the other, with some more tokens to have enough for the 2 new players.

I did this with a 2 friends as they also have copies and it was fun.

Either way I love this game 2,3,4,5,or 6 players does not matter

Should be a sea/ocean type with more water boards and 4-6 new leaders, 2 new wonders for each era, add in some new techs, fishing, whaling, ect. and maybe 2-3 more army counters, 1-2 scout counters and 1-2 more cities to build. add it some more culture cards and military card, and then maybe 2 new dissasters volcano and flood. just some ideas for now, but I would thnks this is the way they would be going. rule should be a good read should the water boards come into play.

Just my 2 cents

More civilizations is the obvious route to go. I thought that the 6 in the base game was extraordinarily stingy. It's one of the most obvious shortfalls when comparing to the computer game, where people could from more than 18 civilizations (in Civ V - in Civ 4 with expansions it was more than 30!).

The number of civilizations needs to be at least doubled in any expansion pack and preferably tripled.

The sea idea sounds cool. I'm picturing a divider-type tile of all water tiles (maybe one land bridge), two squares wide, that cuts the map in two, forming two continents. Maybe some reward for having a city on both continents (like bonus trade, or a coin or something).

The downside of more civs in a single game is travel time. You just wouldn't get to encounter some civs and therefore couldn't really affect their game. Maybe that's okay, though. Maybe add a tech that lets you move diagonally. Of ocurse, if you just meant more civs as more options and still a max of 4 players, then I think that would be a given in any expansion.

Smoo said:

The sea idea sounds cool. I'm picturing a divider-type tile of all water tiles (maybe one land bridge), two squares wide, that cuts the map in two, forming two continents. Maybe some reward for having a city on both continents (like bonus trade, or a coin or something).

The downside of more civs in a single game is travel time. You just wouldn't get to encounter some civs and therefore couldn't really affect their game. Maybe that's okay, though. Maybe add a tech that lets you move diagonally. Of ocurse, if you just meant more civs as more options and still a max of 4 players, then I think that would be a given in any expansion.

Moving diagonally is a good idea. I fig. railroads would be good for this. Maybe with water boads and new techs. your movement could increase in #. travel by sea could give u a starting move of 4 or something like that. i'll write some more ideas I hope for later.

just my 2 cents

I think diagonal movement doesn't add much to the game. In fact, it detracts a bit, as it makes it exceedingly difficult to use your armies to blockade an area from another player.

As far as more players go, I think a six player game could still see a lot of interaction going on, especially if the expansion introduced a special tile to be placed in the center that has either additional resources, or additional huts and villages, to encourage people to try gaining control of the center.

I, too, would like to see an expansion, even if it just included some new civilization choices, some new culture cards, and maybe rules for wandering barbarian armies? XD

There will most certainly be expansions.

In fact, I can easily see LOTS of expansions.

FFG could even do what Firaxis is doing with the computer game, sell individual new Civilizations (perhaps combined with a thematically appropriate Wonder, or a new Tech (starting or no), etc).

Then they could sell an expansion pack which adds a 5th player (all the bits and bobs for it) coupled with more map tiles and yet more Wonders; though no new Civilizations.

Then they could sell a second expansion which adds a 6th player and introduces some of the more "exotic" ideas (such as tiles with new terrains - including perhaps underwater cities, new resources, or whatever). This expansion would probably need a few rules tweaks to make sure the basic game holds up to a 6 player game (I suspect the relative ease of the different winning conditions will change, thus necessitating that, say, the cultural victory becomes slightly easier - or harder. And so on...)

I could also see Alpha Centauri, preferably as a stand-alone game but with a mechanism to allow a game of Civ to "carry over" with some token benefit given to a winner that won through the Space/Tech victory...

The possibilities are endless. And yes, I don't doubt the game was intentionally made that way.

I agree that the idea of an expansion is not so much if but when for FFG.

I personally would l like to see any expansion enhance and expand the game experience as well as address problems in the existing game. Here are my thoughts:

a) Addition Civs are almost a given and the terrain tile to go with them.

b) Additional Wonders should came as well - with some additional rules - such as pick 4 wonders for each age randomly and use these in the game.

c) Rules for adding 2 more players and the board layout would be a welcome bonus - we play with 3-8 players depending on the day

d) Additional culture cards - the cards that are there need more variety. Personally, I would like to see a level 2 and 3 culture card that can remove a coin from a tech, remove one tech from the tech tree or pull someone - one space backwards on the culture track. In the current game, I have run into too many cases where its a race to see who gets their first and currently if a player is getting 3 culture track late in the game - or going to win with tech in three turns - there dosnt seem to be many ways to slow them down or even interfer with it. In a game, where you are going for a military win - there are lots of ways to try to defend against or impact it - no so much with coin, culture and tech wins. I think there needs to be something that can impact them and make it more of a push and pull type of challenge. Maybe some level 3 tech that by spending one of each resource - you can achieve this.

e) Additional Terrain tiles (with a cool square on them OR new terrain type) - possible additional terrain tiles for each starting civ to allow them to pick or randomize from two starting civ tiles to begin the game with.

f) Reprints for any original game element that was misprinted - to replace the "wrong" one that came with the game.

g) A new box - that has a nice plastic compartment in it for all the game elements plus the new explansion elements.

While I do agree this a great game despite my "love-hate" relationship for it, and I would really like to see this game expanded down the road, I am worried that because it uses another games license that we could see problems down the road.

Two examples I have are DOOM the board game and World of Warcraft: The board game.

DOOM used the ID license and after it expired (or whatever really happened) this great game fell off the map and is no longer officially supported by FFG.

My other example is World of Warcraft: The board game. Here is another great game with a few expansions but suddenly fell short. There was to be a third expansion released, "The Scion of Darkness" But it was canceled before its release. Now, it shares the same fate as DOOM.

I am always uneasy about a board game being based off of a video game. We the players of said game could be left standing with no new content being released or no support for the game entirely.

Being British I get slightly offended when a country like the U.S ends up in a game like this,instead of the Great British Empire, just because it is a very powerful country in todays world.

I've thought very much about a Britsh civilization card and here's what I've come up with:

Leader:Queen Victoria or Winston Churchill

Home map tile: a 3x2 island surrounded by sea(the side where the island touches the edge will be on the outside). This is chosen because Britain is an island and that helped them many times as a defence during wars.

Starting Tech: Sailing[level2] or Navigation[level1]

I havent come up with any bonuses yet...

I can't agree on any other nations or races that could feature in an expansion, But I was surprised that the Great wall of China failed to appear as a wonder.

The leader will probably be Elizabeth as the board game civs seem base on Revolutions.

scimon said:

The leader will probably be Elizabeth as the board game civs seem base on Revolutions.

Elizabeth seems ok but I don't think she is the best representative

axmeister said:

Being British I get slightly offended when a country like the U.S ends up in a game like this,instead of the Great British Empire, just because it is a very powerful country in todays world.

I've thought very much about a Britsh civilization card and here's what I've come up with:

Leader:Queen Victoria or Winston Churchill

Home map tile: a 3x2 island surrounded by sea(the side where the island touches the edge will be on the outside). This is chosen because Britain is an island and that helped them many times as a defence during wars.

Starting Tech: Sailing[level2] or Navigation[level1]

I havent come up with any bonuses yet...

I can't agree on any other nations or races that could feature in an expansion, But I was surprised that the Great wall of China failed to appear as a wonder.

Also they should start of with a monarchy governemnt instead of despotism

I like the wandering barbarians idea, or nomads; and also the ability to build more than three cities; but let's officially request to have the rules rewritten more clearly too.

I like all of your ideas. Can't wait for an expansion which add more map tiles and new leaders. I also would like to see something that extends the "build" part of the game. E. g. build roads oder other buildings which don't produce anything but gives some bonuses or something like that.