Hello all....I'm kind of goofing around with the concept of a Mi-Go deck - just for fun mostly...but what I've come up with tends to get handled pretty easily by all my other decks (Pure Agency, Cthulhu-Hastur, Shub-Ghouls-Night, Pure Yog-Sothoth).
It may be that too many of my "good cards" for Shub are tied up in the Ghouls deck....so this might be a problem right away....but what I notice with the little fungoid Mi-Go's is that they aren't very "punchy" - and capable in fighting....even when several of them are out. In particular, they have a HUGE weakness to Terror, since none of them have Willpower (not even Mi-Go Commander) - and none of them (released so far, that I can tell) have any Terror icons. The Cthulhu-Hastur deck played them today (solo testing games) ...and just destroyed them with a simple Lord of Silver Twilight Turn-1 pretty much locking them down until they had enough guys to actually win a combat step....this took an Ageless Mi-Go coming out and being given Alhazred Lamp to at least give him 1-Terror and 1-Combat....sad, I know.
None of that mattered though, when the Cthulhu-Hastur's paid 3 to deploy the dreaded Terror of the Tides, along with the Lord of Twilight and a Seeker of Mysteries as a blocking force against the beefed up Ageless Mi-Go and an accompanying Mi-Go Surgeon (IIRC).
One Mi-Go went insane (Surgeon) and Ageless took a Wound (lost Combat easily against Terror of the Tides), lost Arcane, got 1-token for Investigation, and then lost Skill as well.
After that it was pretty easy to continue to steamroll them, as none of the Mi-Go cards have any "direct damage" or "direct removal" of any sort. There is no "Mi-Go Blaster Cannon" - Support - Attach to a Mi-Go character. Pay-2 and Exhaust Mi-Go Blaster Cannon and the character to which it is attached to choose and wound a character."
Even something simple like that would be helpful to them....but they seem to have no such things to turn to. Maybe I've just failed to construct them properly (note that I did say many of my "best" cards are tied up in the other Shub Ghoul deck at the moment....or maybe Syndicate is not a good pairing for them ?).
Thoughts // Ideas ?