
By Parathion, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Just to know how people play it:

1) When a frosted hero attacks with a Melee weapon and uses an off-hand bonus to support that attack, does he have to check for the off-hand weapon whether it is destroyed?

2) When a frosted hero gets hit for 5 or more damage, does he have to check for items that give bonus armor, e.g. Ring of Protection, Ghost Armour, etc.?

Parathion said:

Just to know how people play it:

1) When a frosted hero attacks with a Melee weapon and uses an off-hand bonus to support that attack, does he have to check for the off-hand weapon whether it is destroyed?

2) When a frosted hero gets hit for 5 or more damage, does he have to check for items that give bonus armor, e.g. Ring of Protection, Ghost Armour, etc.?

Each time a hero attacks with a weapon when he has one or more frost tokens on him, he must afterwards roll one black power die each frost token on him. If any power die rolls a blank, the weapon used to make the attack shatters and is discarded. This procedure also applies t o the hero’s shield each time it is exhausted to absorb damage, as well as to the hero’s armor each time an attack deals 5 or more damage to him (before armor).

1) No. The off hand weapon is not being used to attack , it is being used to give a bonus .
DJitD pg19
The weapon the hero does not use to attack adds its off-hand bonus to attacks with the other weapon.

2) No. Only Shields, and Armour. 'Other' items that provide bonuses are not mentioned. They aren't even 'logically' being hit most of the time - they provide some sort of magical bonus rather than a physical protection.

Thought so.

On the other hand, trap damage "ignores armor" and by that it is meant that any item that grants +armor is (partly) affected. Frost could affect +armor items as well, at least the wording in the original rules could probably suggest that.

Btw, I never noticed the change for RtL regarding Frost - in the original rules the affected hero would roll only one power die regardless how many tokens he has on him when checking for weapon/shield/armor destruction.

Parathion said:

Thought so.

On the other hand, trap damage "ignores armor" and by that it is meant that any item that grants +armor is (partly) affected. Frost could affect +armor items as well, at least the wording in the original rules could probably suggest that.

Its pretty basic. 'Armour' can either refer to the stat or to the item. It never actually refers to non-armour items that give armour boosts, just to the stat boost that they give.

In this case it is pretty clear that it must be meaning 'item' rather than 'stat'.