Speaking of Cosmic Encounter, I came across a OEM (Original English Manga) called "King of RPG's" which makes a parody of various games and RPG's in it. It has a collectable card game in it called "Cosmic Genocide", which is probably some joked up version of Cosmic Encounters. You got piles of races with powers, including the Ammodites who can "Cryo-Freeze" themselves to avoid being killed in a planetary bombardment or the Monolithites who can "Resurrect" themselves on other planets if they're killed in battle so long as there is tokens on other planets. The rules seem similar to Cosmic Encounters, whipe out the enemy species or hold the most colonies after 30 turns of play. Of course then you got lots of other wierd cards which are probably rip offs of Cosmic Encounter cards. Bio-Plague, Conversion (transforms enemy tokens to your own if you have a presence on the planet, the card looks like a guy being tortured by Mind Flayers) and the deadly card "Anti-Matter Hammer" that destroys any card it "Rests on". The main character wins the game with it by ripping it apart, covering it with soda and flicking the shards across the enemy worlds, sticking to them and destroying them all because "Each shard of Anti-Matter is as powerful as the whole thing". This was in response to the person he played against pinning his cards and tokens to a vertical board to keep him from "resting" his card on an opposing world because he coulden't possibly have the card rest on a vertical surface and the rules don't say anything aganist spindling or pinning your cards to win. Anyway looks like Cosmic Encounter's got Spoofed indeed in Manga!