Going to store today... New Player needs help!

By bloodyjack2, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

Hi all,

Long time player from Westeros days as is my wife. We got out of it right about the time Influence entered the picture.

We recieved the core game for Christmas (the one with the board and four decks) and would really like to get back into it.

Here is the rub: We are heading to the store this evening to pick up some chapter packs and have no clue what to get.

I have read the forums about how you can easily use the non LCG format cards to play with the LCG easily, and I know it is my choice what to play with. BUT I have also read where the Official line is tat LCG cards (white borders right?) will not be compatible with the new LCG cards.

Here is my question:

What, if any, current chapter packs out there are for the new LCG format with the white borders?

Perhaps I am just dim, but it is surprisingly difficult to find this info. If none are out yet, when is the planned first chapter packs to be exclusively LCG with the white borders?

Thanks SO much for your time in reading and helping an old Night's Watch member get back into the groove. And if you can answer in the next 30 min that would be a godsend, as the wife is chomping at the bit! :)

Warmest Regards,


You can find the already released chapter packs here: www.tzumainn.com/agot/cards/

The clash of arms cycle of chapter packs is black bordered, but it´s part of the LCG format. The Raven cycle is white bordered and features the summer/ winter mechanic and is also part of the LCG format.

To equally develop your decks i would recommend picking up a chapter pack of the war of teh five kings and ancient enemies. For the rest i would take a closer look at the contents of the chapter packs, since each chapter pack usually has it´s own theme. Such like the already mentioned summer/ winter mechanic or the epic battle phase events.

Thanks a bunch Ben! This community has always been great...I hope to see you around the boards as we delve in again....