some question + overlord keep question

By Lord Loren Soth, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

hello guys

the heroes finally got to the diamond campaign, so we stopped there and they upgraded 2 dice to gold each one of them, can i as the overlord upgrade somethin before the final keep start? (and how many upgrades?)

another question is when a hero die during a LT encounter and is removed from the combat does the overlord still gain TT equal to the number of heroes present on the map or the number of players?

last question: when a player play a feat card that give him 3 more spaces of movement and then declare a battle what happen? does he still get 3 movement points or not? i ruled not but i want to know if i did right or wrong

thanks for your responses

You probably mean you got the "final battle" champain level. Diamond level it's only for your monsters.

So: No unfortunaly the OL can't purchase the last upgrade like the heros (pag 20 of RB)

usualy the Ol takes TT equal to the heros, not equal to the heros on the map. so, you always take 4 TT each turn (exeption can make by some feat card that reduce or increase this value)

it's depend of the card. some card increase the base speed of the hero, so if the hero chose fight(two attak) he sacrifice he's movement.

if the card say's he ALLWAYS have 3 more movement to make, he can move 3 square and also attak twice . but if you can tell me exactly the card's name i can be more helpfull

Lord Loren Soth said:

1. the heroes finally got to the diamond campaign, so we stopped there and they upgraded 2 dice to gold each one of them, can i as the overlord upgrade somethin before the final keep start? (and how many upgrades?)

2. another question is when a hero die during a LT encounter and is removed from the combat does the overlord still gain TT equal to the number of heroes present on the map or the number of players?

3. last question: when a player play a feat card that give him 3 more spaces of movement and then declare a battle what happen? does he still get 3 movement points or not? i ruled not but i want to know if i did right or wrong

1. Yes, 1.
Initially the answer was none, but the last FAQ changed that.
FAQ pg13
Overlord's Final Turn
The Overlord is allowed to purchase one last upgrade when the campaign proceeds to the Final Battle.

2. Yes.

3. If you mean Hustle then the answer is gain 3 extra MP. The card says to move extra spaces (gain MP), not to increase speed.
Play at the start of your turn.
You hero may move 3 extra spaces this turn.
(translated mean gain 3MP)
The Carried By Air feat, for example, increases speed/movement, but does not give actual MP, so if Battling a Hero would gain not extra MP from this card.
Play at the start of your turn.
You gain +2 speed and the Fly ability until the end of this turn.

Corbon said:

2. Yes.

sorry i've not understand, you mean "yes for each Heroes" or "yes for each heroes on the map?"

Jack and THE Hammer said:

Corbon said:

2. Yes.

sorry i've not understand, you mean "yes for each Heroes" or "yes for each heroes on the map?"

Each hero - you had it right in this question already, hence my overly brief answer (sorry).

Corbon said:

Lord Loren Soth said:

1. the heroes finally got to the diamond campaign, so we stopped there and they upgraded 2 dice to gold each one of them, can i as the overlord upgrade somethin before the final keep start? (and how many upgrades?)

2. another question is when a hero die during a LT encounter and is removed from the combat does the overlord still gain TT equal to the number of heroes present on the map or the number of players?

3. last question: when a player play a feat card that give him 3 more spaces of movement and then declare a battle what happen? does he still get 3 movement points or not? i ruled not but i want to know if i did right or wrong

1. Yes, 1.
Initially the answer was none, but the last FAQ changed that.
FAQ pg13
Overlord's Final Turn
The Overlord is allowed to purchase one last upgrade when the campaign proceeds to the Final Battle.

2. Yes.

3. If you mean Hustle then the answer is gain 3 extra MP. The card says to move extra spaces (gain MP), not to increase speed.
Play at the start of your turn.
You hero may move 3 extra spaces this turn.
(translated mean gain 3MP)
The Carried By Air feat, for example, increases speed/movement, but does not give actual MP, so if Battling a Hero would gain not extra MP from this card.
Play at the start of your turn.
You gain +2 speed and the Fly ability until the end of this turn.

so if he play hustle and then declare battle he can move 3 extra spaces right?
