Sea of Blood Campaign questions. Quite a few.

By Baeldeth, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

One is the cloak that lets you roll surges to reduce damage. Do you still get to do this against attacks that ignore armour? ie. Traps/CAnnonballs ?

Dodge and AIM. If a character has an AIM Action and I play the Dodge card. How does that work? Because it's the players turn does he reroll whatever he wants, and then I make him reroll what I want? or do I have to play my dodge card first, then he can play aim, or do they cancel out.

Also how does dodge work with template weapons? If A monster dodges, do all monsters under the template dodge?

Secret training, I noticed it is campaign level specific. My question is, if they didn't have any training at the secret master in copper, can they go buy the copper training to get the extra health or stamina, THEN buy the silver health and stamina, even if they don't visit it until the Silver part of the campaign?

Gold on levels. Do coin stacks increase in value as you go up campaign levels? ie. Silver = 200 coins a stack? or is it only treasure that scales?

Does this also reflect on killing monsters? Ie. Red monsters worth 100 coins now? or are they still worth the same? including level bosses and dungeon bosses.

On campaigns where you have the keys, on the sea of blood campaign. I noticed looking at all of the lieutenants that none of them have over land movement. So a key in Dallak is impossible for the overlord to get to. As he can't siege the land. Thus, if a key gets there, I can't possibly finish my agenda.

Also, I noticed that lieutenants can retreat just by going to a board edge. So, if they engage the siren in a fight, I could start her on a table edge and just have her run off to auto run away. IS this legit or did I read something wrong? It basically makes the lieutenants impossible to kill unless the overlord is willing to stand and fight. Also it basically means if the overlord has three lieutenants you can't really kill any of them. It's pretty much a win the game strategy.

We've been playing a few weeks now so these questions have been cropping up for various reason. Some for balance, some for 'huh." Like when they dropped the key off in Dallak I was all.. "uh... poop." and when I just had my siren run away well.. same dealio but for them. They get loot, I Get my 1 xp for the week, and the siren lives.

One is the cloak that lets you roll surges to reduce damage. Do you still get to do this against attacks that ignore armour? ie. Traps/CAnnonballs ?

Dodge and AIM. If a character has an AIM Action and I play the Dodge card. How does that work? Because it's the players turn does he reroll whatever he wants, and then I make him reroll what I want? or do I have to play my dodge card first, then he can play aim, or do they cancel out.

Also how does dodge work with template weapons? If A monster dodges, do all monsters under the template dodge?

Secret training, I noticed it is campaign level specific. My question is, if they didn't have any training at the secret master in copper, can they go buy the copper training to get the extra health or stamina, THEN buy the silver health and stamina, even if they don't visit it until the Silver part of the campaign?

Gold on levels. Do coin stacks increase in value as you go up campaign levels? ie. Silver = 200 coins a stack? or is it only treasure that scales?

Does this also reflect on killing monsters? Ie. Red monsters worth 100 coins now? or are they still worth the same? including level bosses and dungeon bosses.

On campaigns where you have the keys, on the sea of blood campaign. I noticed looking at all of the lieutenants that none of them have over land movement. So a key in Dallak is impossible for the overlord to get to. As he can't siege the land. Thus, if a key gets there, I can't possibly finish my agenda.

Also, I noticed that lieutenants can retreat just by going to a board edge. So, if they engage the siren in a fight, I could start her on a table edge and just have her run off to auto run away. IS this legit or did I read something wrong? It basically makes the lieutenants impossible to kill unless the overlord is willing to stand and fight. Also it basically means if the overlord has three lieutenants you can't really kill any of them. It's pretty much a win the game strategy.

We've been playing a few weeks now so these questions have been cropping up for various reason. Some for balance, some for 'huh." Like when they dropped the key off in Dallak I was all.. "uh... poop." and when I just had my siren run away well.. same dealio but for them. They get loot, I Get my 1 xp for the week, and the siren lives.

1) i suppose you mean the Armor cloack. if i've a good remembering of that, the card say "when you get wound" so it works even for traps or cannonballs

2) Dodge and AIM will denied each others.

3) NO. they can buy copper training in the copper champain level- silver training only in the silver champain ecc ecc.

4) NO only the treasure and the prize fot the outside enconunter, ther's must be a table on the rulebook (pag 15 and 17 )

5) NO look above. the only card can make it different it's skill card Thief, that increase that value of 25 coins(but not for the boss, only white and red unnamed monster)

6 ) probably you right, but i'not played Sob so much to be sure about that

7) true, you can make an- AUTO-ESCAPE, but the liutenant was kick-assed-back to the OL's lair so it's not so good to leave the fight anytime

i hope i've helped you

Baeldeth said:

One is the cloak that lets you roll surges to reduce damage. Do you still get to do this against attacks that ignore armour? ie. Traps/CAnnonballs ?

Jack had this right. Those cloaks work on wounds, not damage, and as such they cover all wounds from anything - traps, cannons, etc.
Ignore armour means ignore the armour statistic/value, not ignore effects generated by armour.

Baeldeth said:

Dodge and AIM. If a character has an AIM Action and I play the Dodge card. How does that work? Because it's the players turn does he reroll whatever he wants, and then I make him reroll what I want? or do I have to play my dodge card first, then he can play aim, or do they cancel out.

DJitD pg14
Important: If an aimed attack is made against a target that has placed a dodge order, both abilities are ignored for that attack .

Baeldeth said:

Also how does dodge work with template weapons? If A monster dodges, do all monsters under the template dodge?

Yes. WIth the explicit exception of the Stealth dice from ToI, the same dice are applied to everybody affected by that attack. So if one figure dodges, all figures benefit (or not) from the dodge.
You need to think of a 'Dodge' as being more like some sort of action to disrupt the attacker, rather than evade the attack - throw a mug of beer at the attacker to mess his aim, rather than duck behind a table.

Baeldeth said:

Secret training, I noticed it is campaign level specific. My question is, if they didn't have any training at the secret master in copper, can they go buy the copper training to get the extra health or stamina, THEN buy the silver health and stamina, even if they don't visit it until the Silver part of the campaign?

No. You can explicitly only buy an upgrade once per campaign level (RtL pg 23, This may be done only once at each campaign level, ... ) and therefore if you miss a level you can't ever make it up. Further, the cost is based on the current campaign level, not the upgrade colour. Therefore the effect is that lower level 'upgrades' cannot be 'made up' later by training.

Baeldeth said:

Gold on levels. Do coin stacks increase in value as you go up campaign levels? ie. Silver = 200 coins a stack? or is it only treasure that scales?

No. Nothing like that is mentioned anywhere in the rules, so there is no effect like that.

Baeldeth said:

Does this also reflect on killing monsters? Ie. Red monsters worth 100 coins now? or are they still worth the same? including level bosses and dungeon bosses.

No. Again, nothing is mentioned like that in the rules, so there is no effect like that.

Baeldeth said:

On campaigns where you have the keys, on the sea of blood campaign. I noticed looking at all of the lieutenants that none of them have over land movement. So a key in Dallak is impossible for the overlord to get to. As he can't siege the land. Thus, if a key gets there, I can't possibly finish my agenda.

There is a plot card (free, IIRC) that allows the OL to redistribute a key from Dallak, once. So you get one 'get out of jail free' card. If the heroes can get two keys to Dallak you are screwed.

Baeldeth said:

Also, I noticed that lieutenants can retreat just by going to a board edge. So, if they engage the siren in a fight, I could start her on a table edge and just have her run off to auto run away. IS this legit or did I read something wrong? It basically makes the lieutenants impossible to kill unless the overlord is willing to stand and fight. Also it basically means if the overlord has three lieutenants you can't really kill any of them. It's pretty much a win the game strategy.

Yes, it is a problem, perhaps the biggest existing problem with SoB, combined with Lts only retreating 1 trail (unlike RtL where fleeing Lts had to go back to the OLs keep).
You can stop most Lt (or have chance to stop them) with a Web weapon, but that is about it.
A heavy hitting Thorn with Koll's Mark and/or Quick Casting might do the trick.

I house ruled the Lt. SoB encounters with the second one, check if it fit to you.

And every time the Ltn Flee, the heores party decides where the Ltn moves to an adjacent spot or to the starting spawn spot. Aditionally the heroes earn 100 gold , 2 conquest and a 4 Power Dice roll worth in loot(encounter loot roll) .