a lot's of doubt about RTL (again)

By Jack and THE Hammer, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Sorry for open a new topic but i cant bump the previus one .

Me and my players are confuded, about WHEN the OL can purchase he's powerups. At pag 10, the RTL rulebook say (i've the italian version, so i'm re-translating) "in he's week-turn the OL can purchase PWUPS for he's Avatar anytime, before or after the activation of he's liutenant"

but at pag 24 at the "OL powerups" charpet, it's say a total different things "In he's week-turn the OL can purchase powerups for he's Avatar ONLY AFTER he''ve activeted all he's liutenant and they have all ended their action"

which affermation it's true and which one false? (it's not a test i swear)

Another doubt it's about the siege of the city.

if i put 3 liutenant on the same city. each turn can i put 3 siege-tonke on it ?, or the number of the liutenant it' only to demotivate the hero to saving that city?

and if they decide to fight them... they can fight all in the same week or every fight ends' the hero's wee-turn?

it's this same question in the FAQ? because i'm pretty sure it is, but reading it back i dont find it anymore

and last: about the escaping from a dungeon level. Letteraly,(my ) Rulebook say the Hero's have to declair thei're escaping from the dungeon and leave it all at the same time using a teleport gliph.

but my players insist they can also declair at the end, when they're all in the city,

the doubt (i try to explain it better) it's born in the dungeon level 17 " a pile of bones". the goal consit to kill the skeleton boss and carry his bones to one of the sarcofagus at the two side of the map. knowing this, i've used on the boss "RUN-card" and move he at the hero's start gliph. after few turns they decided that's level was to hard and decided to began their leaving. (the boss ressurrect at any OL turn and can make his normal activation)

so, if i decided to move the boss to try to make more experience with a luky strike, they will come back and try again to reach the goal, otherwise, at last, they're escaped.

so how exactly this "leaving" things work?

so,can anyone help me?

For Avatar upgrades, follow the rules on page 10.

If the three lieutenants start their turrn in a city, put three siege tokens on it, If the number of siege tokens is equal to the city's defense rating, roll a power die. On a surge the city is razed. If you don't get a surge, you'll have to roll again on your next turn.If all the lieutenants move out or are defeated while besieging a city, discard all siege tokens from it. The heroes may encounter all lieutenants in a single turn/game week in whichever order they choose as long as they're not defeated(total party kill) by any one lieutenant.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

Me and my players are confuded, about WHEN the OL can purchase he's powerups. At pag 10, the RTL rulebook say (i've the italian version, so i'm re-translating) "in he's week-turn the OL can purchase PWUPS for he's Avatar anytime, before or after the activation of he's liutenant"

but at pag 24 at the "OL powerups" charpet, it's say a total different things "In he's week-turn the OL can purchase powerups for he's Avatar ONLY AFTER he''ve activeted all he's liutenant and they have all ended their action"

which affermation it's true and which one false? (it's not a test i swear)

Yes, the rulebook contradicts itself here.
However pg 10 is detail on the 'timing' of a turn. Pg 24 is 'general' about upgrades.
So in a 'timing' issue, the specific rule on pg 10 trumps the general rule on pg 24.
This has been confirmed by FFG IIRC, though I can't remember where.
In summary, Upgrades can be purchased before, after or in between Lt activations.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

Another doubt it's about the siege of the city.

if i put 3 liutenant on the same city. each turn can i put 3 siege-tonke on it ?, or the number of the liutenant it' only to demotivate the hero to saving that city?

and if they decide to fight them... they can fight all in the same week or every fight ends' the hero's wee-turn?

it's this same question in the FAQ? because i'm pretty sure it is, but reading it back i dont find it anymore

Yes you can.
Each Lt acts independently of the others, putting a seige token on if it takes a Besiege action (until the city defense value is reached).
Note that resolving seiges is earlier in the week and happens only once regardless of how many Lts are at the besieged city (as long as there is at least one of course).
Reread RtL pg 10 carefully, it is all clear in there if you follow it properly.

Jack and THE Hammer said:

and last: about the escaping from a dungeon level. Letteraly,(my ) Rulebook say the Hero's have to declair thei're escaping from the dungeon and leave it all at the same time using a teleport gliph.

but my players insist they can also declair at the end, when they're all in the city,

the doubt (i try to explain it better) it's born in the dungeon level 17 " a pile of bones". the goal consit to kill the skeleton boss and carry his bones to one of the sarcofagus at the two side of the map. knowing this, i've used on the boss "RUN-card" and move he at the hero's start gliph. after few turns they decided that's level was to hard and decided to began their leaving. (the boss ressurrect at any OL turn and can make his normal activation)

so, if i decided to move the boss to try to make more experience with a luky strike, they will come back and try again to reach the goal, otherwise, at last, they're escaped.

so how exactly this "leaving" things work?

Your players are correct.
RtL pg18
If the heroes decide that things are too grim for them to continue on inside a dungeon, they can decide to leave a dungeon and not come back. To do this, they must simply all return to Tamalir at the same time (via glyphs of transport – see “Using Buildings” on page 21) and announce that they’re fleeing the dungeon.
Since it isn't possible to literally all use a glyph at the same time (each hero can only use a glyph during his own turn), it can only mean that they must all be in Tamalir at the same time (which is bad writing, but this is the only thing it can logically mean).
The Glyphs reference is clearly intended to clarify that they don't actually move on the map using trails.

Thank you both for this.

unfortunaly i've the italian version of the Rulebook, that was translated extremly bad. Thanks again aniway XD

Jack and THE Hammer said:

Thank you both for this.

unfortunaly i've the italian version of the Rulebook, that was translated extremly bad. Thanks again aniway XD

The original rules are pretty bad anyway, so a bad translation is probably an improvement! gui%C3%B1o.gif

ha ha ha!

the only thing' the translated ed. have better(if you are ready to waith a lot more time) it's usualy some problems and correction found in the errata codrrige(for ex, i'd notice at the began the beastman has pierce and skeleton +2 wounds),will fixed before the relase of the game