new expansion geez, read fine print

By Roenalt, in Warhammer Invasion Community

yeah I am a little disappointed

I ordered it through my comic shop bought it and took it home, unwrapped it and WHAT? no army cards? wait really? these are just more cards but you cant play as the Undead or Lizardmen, Man oh man was i upset. Why not play as either race? Fantasy Flight Please fix this, hell I even want a Bretonnia and Skaven expansion and hell you could do each of the Chaos powers too!

this expansion was just like buying more decks, I really want to play as Undead or Lizardmen. Come on.........


It is highly unlikely that they will release new army capitol boards. 6 factions to support is difficult to do in each months chapter pack. Start adding 2 more to 8, and then people start NOT getting cards for their preferred faction in a months pack. 2 more for 10 is even more unlikely.

These are the three main armies as far as the classic armies, and are the classic races supported in the MMO, and in the miniatures game, with consistency and as far as favourites. Why no skaven, was that they are traditionally not really their own mover and shaker per se, and besides, throwing them in with destro would make it 4 to 3. Brettonia are basically empire. wood elves are a minor mover and shaker, undead move a bit, but again: too many destruction armies. Lizardmen are insignificantly movers and shakers in the tradition game world and also NO reference is made to them (nearly i think) in the MMO (which the game is partly modeled to pair with).

I find the undead set makes a great undead addition! You CAN have an all undead army, nearly, you just need a few (few) suppliments from some other guys.

I really appreciate the way FFG handles things. When Sabertooth Games released more armies for their 40k CCG players ended up with complete sets without any support for their favourite army. They had Catachan, Imperial Guard, Space Orks, Goff, Speeda Cult, Eldar, Alaitoc, etc., so it was impossible to support all armies in the game. In the end that was the downfall of the game and we don't want this to happen with Invasion.

You can always play your favourite race using a capital from another race of your choice. I have seen all Skaven decks with a little action support from other races. It is up to you to build your deck, but it is up to FFG to keep the game smooth to play.

What is in the expansion then?

Okay I read the description and I figured it would be two new armies but these two factions can mingle with other armies from the looks of it.

This is pretty interesting because, really there are only two true realms. Order/Destruction. People like to THINK they are playing a faction specifically and they may create rules for themselves mandating a single faction... but in the end. You have Order cards and Destruction cards. Bringing in a Lizardman faction would only add another board for you to start with, ensuring you have 1 Lizard loyalty. Same with every other faction. I've noticed many players complaining about Chaos not getting any love - but Destruction is getting lots of fun cards and the only true restriction is, you can't play a mix of both order and destruction. Loyalty restricts the usefullness of many splash cards - but those are in many ways the more powerful cards as well. It makes your decisions a tad more strategic.

My complaint is that they took Neutral cards and made them realm specific. That is something they needed to avoid. You have 2 sides. Fill them up with fun cards and go nuts. Give the middle Neutral ground cards the support style for both sides to avoid reprinting similar cards on both sides.

Just my 2 cents.


And an intelligent and thoughtful 2 cents, it was, AceQ. Thanks for sharing these good insights here.

Long Winter, Animosity, Neutral Supports, etc. etc. There are plenty of neutral cards that are intended for both sides to use and are not just "realm specific".