Monster Actions vs. Hero Actions (for the Overlord)

By Nechromius, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

RULE-BOOK QUOTE: "When a monster is activated, it may move a number of spaces up to its speed and make one attack ." (pg. 9)

RULE-BOOK QUOTE: "A monster always receives movement points equal to its speed, as shown on the monster reference cards." (pg. 9)

If I am interpreting these rules correctly, that means monsters may ONLY do a move-and-attack action on their turn, when they are activated. (Similar to the hero "advance" action.)


Another issue...

RULE-BOOK QUOTE: "The overlord player may activate each monster on the board once during his turn ." (pg. 9)

After searching the forums, I found that the Overlord must activate each monster on his turn, even if the monster does nothing.


I'll admit that I and my gaming friends are relatively new to playing Descent. Furthermore, my friends have played more than me, but I think I've studied / pored-over the rule-book more than they have. I will appreciate and welcome your informed answers to my questions. Moreover, if you can quote or point to a book / rule-book / errata as a point of reference for your input, that would be a great tool as well.

Thank-you! happy.gif

Nechromius said:

RULE-BOOK QUOTE: "When a monster is activated, it may move a number of spaces up to its speed and make one attack ." (pg. 9)

RULE-BOOK QUOTE: "A monster always receives movement points equal to its speed, as shown on the monster reference cards." (pg. 9)

If I am interpreting these rules correctly, that means monsters may ONLY do a move-and-attack action on their turn, when they are activated. (Similar to the hero "advance" action.)


Yes, if you mean that monsters can only do anything during their activation (abilities like grapple, command, aura etc are always 'active' though), and the only thing they can do is roughly equivalent to an advance action.
Just like an advance action though, they can do their attack at any time during their turn, so as long as they don't exceed their speed they can attack then move, move then attack, or move-attack-move. And, of course, they don't have to move their full speed (or at all).

Nechromius said:

Another issue...

RULE-BOOK QUOTE: "The overlord player may activate each monster on the board once during his turn ." (pg. 9)

After searching the forums, I found that the Overlord must activate each monster on his turn, even if the monster does nothing.


I'll admit that I and my gaming friends are relatively new to playing Descent. Furthermore, my friends have played more than me, but I think I've studied / pored-over the rule-book more than they have. I will appreciate and welcome your informed answers to my questions. Moreover, if you can quote or point to a book / rule-book / errata as a point of reference for your input, that would be a great tool as well.

Thank-you! happy.gif


DJitD pg9
After the overlord player has had the chance to activate every monster on the board, his turn is over. The round is then complete, and a new round begins.

This has been clarified to mean that the OL must activate every monster, even if he chooses to do nothing with that monster when it activates.
This is to prevent OLs from not-activating monsters with effect tokens on them that will probably kill them - for example a Master Beastman with 1 wound left and a Burn token. If the OL does not have to activate him then he can sit the beastman there forever using his command bonus for the other monsters over multiple turns, because the Burn token only acts at the start of the monsters activation...

First, I want to thank Corbon for affirming the original points in my post.

Would other folks like to chime in? Either confirm or refute these rules?

My next question is: are there ANY "monsters" (figures controlled by the Overlord) who may perform actions other than the equivalent of an "advance"??? What about Named Monsters or Master Monsters?

(I do understand that the Overlord's cards can bestow extra actions on monsters...)

Corbon was right.

And your next question, well, there are monsters with a lot of skills, like Quick Shot wich means "an advance adn 2 attacks", but if you mean that if the monsters can do anything beyond move and attack, just the Lieutenant in Sea of Blood, and Road to Legend and the OL avatar, they may Run,Advance,Battle...