Staff of the Wild and Encounter - Question

By Natarko, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The Staff of the Wild says you the heroes can move an additional trail and only have to roll once for encounters (dont have the exact wording right now).

Do the heroes have to chose the endpoint of their comlete move and then decide which path they want to roll for an encounter?

Or can they take one path, chose to roll for an encounter and then decide on an other path, for which they dont have to roll?

It is important in circumstances like:

- an encounter happens at the first path and the heroes are lost. In the second example they could walk the same way again.

- the rolled and played encounter results in really damaged heroes and they dont want to continue to the dungoen in that state and decide to go back to town to heal.

Hope you understand our problem.

Natarko said:

The Staff of the Wild says you the heroes can move an additional trail and only have to roll once for encounters (dont have the exact wording right now).

Do the heroes have to chose the endpoint of their comlete move and then decide which path they want to roll for an encounter?

Or can they take one path, chose to roll for an encounter and then decide on an other path, for which they dont have to roll?

It is important in circumstances like:

- an encounter happens at the first path and the heroes are lost. In the second example they could walk the same way again.

- the rolled and played encounter results in really damaged heroes and they dont want to continue to the dungoen in that state and decide to go back to town to heal.

Hope you understand our problem.

I've always played this card that the heroes choose both paths up front and then pick one to roll for an encounter. As far as wording goes, it could be interpreted either way, so it's a good question.