Question about concealed squads

By Fliegerfaust, in Tide of Iron

Concealed squad is within LOS and isn't in cover-providing terrian but with a smoke marker on this hex. Is this squad revaled or not?

In short, yes. Smoke blocks LOS. Can't see into the hex, can't see out.

Your answer can be found on page 34 of the rulebook.

  • If at any time a concealed squad is within LOS of an enemy unit and is not located in cover-providing terrain , it is immediately revealed. A smoke marker (which provides +2 cover) will not keep a squad from being revealed; the hex's main terrain type must provide cover (woods, rough, bridge, or building terrain).

In english version rules book is:A smoke marker (which provides +2 cover) will not keep a squad from being revealed; the hex's main terrain type must provide cover (woods, rough, bridge, or building terrain).

In my language versionis :The smoke marker will keep your squad from being revealed.

What version is good?

7times7is49 yes squad is concealed or yes squad is revealed?

While I can't speak to your copy of the rules, the PDF file available from FFG site has the rule published as I stated so I would consider that official.

There is nothing in the FAQ / ERRATA v1.3 that suggests that it was in error in a previous version so I can only assume that your rulebook has a translation error.

Ok thanks you very much.

MY BAD!!!!

I was going off of the Universal Head reference sheet.

Sloejack is correct. My apologies for any confusion Fliegerfaust.