Myself and two friends have just bought Descent and tried giving it a go at the weekend. Unfortunately I think we got the set-up wrong, so please can you advise:
I was the Overlord player and the two Hero players each took two heroes to use (so four heroes in total). I took the monster cards with the number 2 on it, as I thought it meant there were two *hero* players. Monsters were, therefore, very easy to kill and each encounter was a breeze, so I think that was wrong....
Having double and triple-checked the rules, I'm still a little confused! Should each hero player have chosen *one* hero character to use and I should have selected the monsters with 3 as the number of players?? In our game we played, if each person took two heroes, should I have in fact used the monster cards with the 5 on them?
I'd appreciate any advise on what is right / where we went wrong!! Also, if anyone wants to suggest a good way of playing with three people (one hero each, multiple heroes, etc) then I would welcome your comments!