I know some of you won't agree with this BUT I believe both "Two Weapon Wield" talents should be moved to rank 1 or 2 in the general marine advances table for 800 each (this way assault marines still get it cheaper). Reason ? Well it did strike me when I was looking at the Ultramarines Pasts's table where the last entry says you were a Scout Sergeant. I know, I know those are just guidelines but at the same time give us roughly an estimate of the position of the marine at the time he was assigned to the DW.
As all TT players know Sergeants all use 2 weapons (standard chainsword and bolt pistol) regardles of their assigned unit, and it get even more evident as you go up in ranks. Librarians, Aphotecaries, even techmarines too ALL use a melee weapon and bolt pistol at least. It gets even better with Space Wolves Codex where everyone goes around with at least a blade and a bolt pistol.
Are you going to tell me all this folks are Assault Marines ? Ofcourse not, BUT this also mean they must be able to purchase it indipendently from their designation without the need to force the players to go elite advances. This way the Assault Marine still has an edge as he can buy them right at creation with his 1k points while the others have to wait a couple of sessions IF their really want to.
Also, how are they going to do once the jump into terminator armors that by default has a powerfist and a stormbolter at least ?