Sorry if Posted Here Too!!! Attacking a Lieutenant in a City AND Training in the same Game Week?

By retienne, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

My OL didn't want to accept the answers on Board Game Geek arguying that it wasn't the Official Forum!!!

Attacking a Lieutenant in a City AND Training in the same Game Week?
If the Hero Party starts its week in a city besieged by a Lieutenant, can the Heroes decide to not move then Encounter the Lieutenant and THEN if the Heroes are still in the city (meaning the Encounter wasn't a TPK (Total Party Hero Kill)) decide to train in that city.
The Encounter was either a Lieutenant Flee or a Lieutenant kill or a Party Flee and then they train in the city.
Thanks a lot in advance!

No, that is not allowed.

To attack the Lt. the party has to choose "Move" as their game week action, then attack the Lt. Afterwards (if no TPK happened) they can still visit the buildings in the city.

To train, a "Recuperate/Train" action is needed, no attack on the Lt. is allowed then.

But I believe this is correct:

If the Heroes arrive on a Dungeon Location on the Terrinoth They may decide to attack the Lieutenant AND then AFTERWARDS in the same game week, explore the dungeon IF the result of the Encounter wasn't a TPK (Total Party Kill of the Heroes)? (Meaning that the result of the Encounter was either a kill of the Lieutenant or a flee of the Lieutenant).

retienne said:

But I believe this is correct:

If the Heroes arrive on a Dungeon Location on the Terrinoth They may decide to attack the Lieutenant AND then AFTERWARDS in the same game week, explore the dungeon IF the result of the Encounter wasn't a TPK (Total Party Kill of the Heroes)? (Meaning that the result of the Encounter was either a kill of the Lieutenant or a flee of the Lieutenant).

That part is correct, as far as I know. Encountering the LT and entering a dungeon are both things that can be done at the end of a Move Action. If the LT is killed or flees, or if the party flees, they can still enter the dungeon. Only a TPK would stop them.