Watching organized play or any play for that matter?

By Avii, in Living Card Games

Hey all,

First post. Woo! Anywho I was wondering if there is a way to watch some of the world championship matches online? Or if you guys know any youtubers that post duels frequently? I ask mainly because I wanna watch a few Invasion or AGoT duels before I pick up a core system (then corrupt my Magic friends to play). I find when I watch duels I learn the rules better and it will help me choose a game that suits my play style. Thanks for the help in advance.

The learn to play videos are the best videos to watch to learn the game. They are amazing and available on youtube and each games support page.

I watched the tutorials for all three games and I still can't decide.

I have 2 of 3 and will be getting Lord of the rings when it comes out, nice thing about LCG model is its easier to afford more than one.