Skill Synergy

By dragon76, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Quick question about using skills.

If you have two skill which trigger after declaring and action can you use them both?

Three different ways I see this happening.

I have a passive skill that gives me something on declaration and an active skill requiring me to spend fatigue on that declaration


I have two skills which require me to spend fatigue at declaration


I have two passive skills that give me something on declaration

How does it work in these three situations?


There's no rule making skills exclusive, so provided their triggering conditions are compatible, you get all of them.

Of course, if one skill triggers on a Battle action and another triggers on an Advance, then you can't get both at once. But if two skills both trigger on a Battle action, nothing stops you from using both.

Antistone said:

Of course, if one skill triggers on a Battle action and another triggers on an Advance, then you can't get both at once. But if two skills both trigger on a Battle action, nothing stops you from using both.

On this note, also keep in mind that the FAQ has clarified that when Grey Ker changes his action mid-turn, it does NOT count as declaring a new action. Even if he had skills that keyed off multiple actions, he could only trigger skills based on which action he declared first.

speaking of Grey Ker, just how is that ability supposed to work? Could you give an example please?

Grey Ker must declare an action just like everyone else, and he gets to declare only once per turn, at the beginning. However, he is not required to abide by his declaration, and can choose to receive 1 attack, movement point equal to his speed or 1 order token, twice at any point during his turn.

On the main point, +1 to Antistone.

As an example of Grey Kerr using his ability effectively, he can:

-Declare an advance

-Attack a monster (Miss)

-change his action to a Battle

-Attack it second time (but must now use fatigue if he wants to move since he is no longer Advancing)

He is also a very useful hero to open doors into new areas since he can change his action based on what is revealed.

On the subject of the Grey Ker FAQ, it means that if Grey Ker were to have Unmoveable, for example, he could:

-Declare a Battle action

-Gain +1 armour and a guard order

-Change to, say, a Run action and keep these bonuses.

If he also had Battle Cry, he would gain a fatigue as well. He couldn't (I would argue) get the benefits of Knight because of the "three attacks i nstead of two ".*

Personally I dislike the way they ruled this and hope it never comes up in our games, although I completely understand why they decided this way since rewriting the cards in an errata or making verbose exceptions would be a headache all round. It only really came up since the Advanced Campaign allowed heroes to pursue particular skills since Grey Ker receives no FIghting skill in the original game and was unlikely to buy one randomly.

(*although he could, I suppose, could get that third attack and two Mps for two fatigue if he changed to an Advance for his first attack and then gained a second attack from, say, Rapid Fire or a feat. But I don't even want to think about it)

YellowPebble said:

Grey Ker must declare an action just like everyone else, and he gets to declare only once per turn, at the beginning. However, he is not required to abide by his declaration, and can choose to receive 1 attack, movement point equal to his speed or 1 order token, twice at any point during his turn.

This is probably the most concise and accurate description I've seen of his ability. He can't choose two order tokens, of course, but I think we all knew what you meant. I should probably write that down for future reference. =)

Basically, like Yellow said, he declares an action like everyone else, but he's allowed to change his mind as the turn progresses. He is NOT allowed to "take back" things he has already done (not any more than anyone else, that is) so when he changes actions, the new action must fit with anything he has already done this turn. At the end of his turn he must have performed a legal action, even if it's not the one he declared.