More SoB questions =)

By Mcmanus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Hey some more SoB questions^^

- Can both, Monsters and Heroes, add aditional power dice(with fatigue and thread) when making a cannon attack?

- The forecastle its elevated and have some bonuss due that, thats ok, but the lower side of the ship also have stairs as the forecastle does, that means I must apply the same rules?

-Also in the Captain's Wheel there is a small "fence" around the wheel, figures crossing that must spend more movement points?

-Dragonfire cannons can miss a figure that was not the actual target of the attack, but it is inside the breath template? If so what happens if there are more figures under the template, and none were the "target" of the attack, shall I roll 1 red die each? just 1? Not at all?

Thank you!

Mcmanus said:

Hey some more SoB questions^^

1. Can both, Monsters and Heroes, add aditional power dice(with fatigue and thread) when making a cannon attack?

2. The forecastle its elevated and have some bonuss due that, thats ok, but the lower side of the ship also have stairs as the forecastle does, that means I must apply the same rules?

3. Also in the Captain's Wheel there is a small "fence" around the wheel, figures crossing that must spend more movement points?

4. Dragonfire cannons can miss a figure that was not the actual target of the attack, but it is inside the breath template? If so what happens if there are more figures under the template, and none were the "target" of the attack, shall I roll 1 red die each? just 1? Not at all?

Thank you!

1. Yes

2. No. The stairs are purely cosmetic. The ship has stairs even without a forecastle and is not 'elevated'.

3. No. It is just cosmetic. There are no rules for this 'fence'.

4. You roll a single red die with the attack if any figures are in the template, regardless of whether any were targeted or not. If that red die is not a miss (and neither is the attack) then all figures under the template are hit. If it is a miss then no figures under the template are hit.

Sweet, thank you Corbon, we already started to play and so far the heroes are doing pretty good=). Thank you for so many answers;) and Im pretty sure I ll do more^^.