Here comes the Criminal Deck

By PRODIGEE, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction

Here's a new attempt to use new cards on a deck : Richard Finchington and Demented Caretaker.

I decided to use to basis of my good old Criminal deck, as there are some synergies that might be used !

SO, here's my proposition :

3x AAH F8 Demented Caretaker
3x AAH F7 •Richard Finchington III, Exotic Collector
2x ADD F7 Ancient Gold
3x AKD F6 The Seventh House on the Left
3x ASM F5 Danny O'Bannion's Cronie
3x AE U66 Hit Squad
2x AE U68 Mob Lieutenant
3x UT C37 Bag Man
2x UT C38 Clover Club Torch Singer
3x FR C39 Extortionist
3x FR U42 Triggerman
3x EE C65 Anarchist
1x EE R61 •Danny O'Bannion, Arkham Businessman
3x EE C72 Opium Fiend
3x EP I25 Fugitive
3x FC C41 Hard Case
3x FC R45 Show of Loyalty
3x MN C45 Adoration of Maahes
3x FC C132 Disgrace

Total 52

I decided to use Richard and Demented as the main duo of this deck. Like Carioz said, there aren't a lot of proposition for decks using the new characters, so I manage to create one (I know, it's might be not a good deck, but it's just a try!).This deck was based on this mecanisms :

MONODECK : This deck was first tuned with Agency, but I did'nt want it to be a Lock/shoot one, so I decided to throw my snipers away to fill the deck with only criminals. It's thematical deck, funny, but it might not be a serious choice for some of you, sorry gui%C3%B1o.gif . But the deck is a little heavy (52 cards is 2 too much).

RESSOURCES :No transients here, except Show of Loyalty (X3). So I had to fill 3X Opium Fiend and 2x Ancient Gold, in a way to obtain my x8 boost. I'm always adding X8 manaboosters on my decks, as I started Cthulhu LCG playing games I hadn't got ressources to play. So I try to be more efficient now! That's only my point of view on this, but a deck need to sort at least two manaboosters a game to be performant.

SUBTYPES : Most of my characters are Criminal, my events play on criminal char (Show of Loyalty ). The criminal used a lot of various mecanisms and it's pretty cool. Ionly added 8 slots for Non-criminal Stuffs.

3X DISGRACE (chosen for poker effects and reliabilty)

3X Seventh House (a cool location, and a stalling effect)

2x Ancient Gold (chosen for manaboosts)

PREFERENCES and CHARACTERS: Those Criminals had some cool interactions, like Mob Lieutenant or the Croonie. I chose them for differents reasons :

Demented Caretaker (have to test him, but it's effect is a good one against strong-skilled decks
•Richard Finchington III, Exotic Collector (Good rush + effect character, but did'nt tested it yet !)
Ancient Gold
The Seventh House on the Left
Danny O'Bannion's Cronie (The one which has good stats + cool effect for others criminals
Hit Squad (Strong + the possibility to defend after attacking)
Mob Lieutenant (a great character for mid/late games)
Bag Man (one of my favorite, simply cool stats)
Clover Club Torch Singer (Demon lover for Synd., just essentiel against other rush strategies and miror)
Extortionist (Exhauting + I icon for cheap)
Triggerman (Willpower+ I for cheap)
Anarchist (Fast + I + C, well balanced and my avatar for years !!)
•Danny O'Bannion, Arkham Businessman (just one, in case I should use Show of loyalty)
Opium Fiend
Fugitive (commiting trick, I know you love that !)
Hard Case (maybe one of the best exhausting char for a cheap price!)
Show of Loyalty (a cool effect to play Dany and his boys !!)
Adoration of Maahes (A surprise for defense, and a cool ability to overuse the Crooni's one!)

I'm willing to add x3 cards, but did'nt decided which one to use ( Moving the Scenery should be cool, but Burning the midnight Oil seemed a lot more fun with Hit Squad. I also looked at Payback and Underground contacts ) Hope you'll help me increase it's pertinence !

I'd say Panic is a good inclusion. Then you can tap out almost anything, and Hard Case / Caretaker and the rest are a good backup for what you can't Panic.

I've never had much luck with Show of Loyalty, even with a 4x, Theosophist Meeting kind of deck. When it works, it works very good, but rarely this happens.

Maybe some Blowing the Whisle too?

I did'nt thought about blowing the Whistle ... It sure is a cool card (but the 4 cost is a little bit high to me!)

You're totally right for the cycle Danny and the Show of Loyalty ... It was moe a thematical fun than a real blockbuster's strat.

In case I'd change it, I surely consider Panic. Price is variable, and efficiency maximum !

thank you for the feedback, Marius !

I did'nt thought about blowing the Whistle ... It sure is a cool card (but the 4 cost is a little bit high to me!)

You're totally right for the cycle Danny and the Show of Loyalty ... It was moe a thematical fun than a real blockbuster's strat.

In case I'd change it, I surely consider Panic. Price is variable, and efficiency maximum ! But I should also consider including Underground contact in case I face a Yog or Shubb deck. This deck isn't much reactive against events, as I try to owerwheelmed the table with chars fast !

thank you for the feedback, Marius !

Show isn't a bad card, as it allows for one massive turn if you can get it to work. Ancient Gold helps out a lot in meeting the Steadfast requirement.

Underworld contacts seems nice, but you're running Disgrace already, which does pretty much the same, for free, with additional flexibility. Some testing will point out which fills the role for you best. Can you regularly use all your domains to spam the table with characters, or do you keep having that domain of 1 open? If you always run out of domains, disgrace may be better. Wish For Power has a similar effect too, and is a ritual, which helps your Show plan...

Richard can help a lot against Ghouls though. Maybe add Dry Gulch to enhance that effect? It may be a nice surprise card regardless.

I would say Dry Gulch or Intimidate mostly to face Khanum's return ......