Aura Question

By Marximus, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This situation came up the other night. Any thoughts?

I understand that when a monster moves into a space adjacent to a hero with the aura ability, that monster takes damage (1 wound for aura 1). What about the situation where a monster moves past a hero with the aura ability - potentially moving into an adjacent space three times as it goes by? Does the monster take the aura damage for each adjacent space (i.e., 3 total wounds for aura 1)?

Second scenario: if a monster flies over a hero with the aura ability - but lands in a space that is not adjacent to the hero - does the monster take damage for the flyover? My understanding of the rules is that the monster would not take any aura damage because it doesn't really occupy a space (and thus can't be adjacent to a hero) until it lands.

Regarding the first scenario, yes, a hero or monster moving through an enemy source of Aura will suffer one damage for each source-adjacent space he travels through.

Regarding the second, one,I'm not sure. Thematically, the ceilings in the dungeon are low, so I think a flying figure would still be affected by Aura. From what I recall,the flying ability per-se only allows you to ignore obstacles while moving as well as ending your movement on damage- inflicting terrain without suffering wounds

1. DJitD:

Each time an enemy figure moves into a space adjacent
to a figure with the Aura ability, it immediately suffers
1 wound"

As the condition "moves into an ajacent space" triggers each time, it suffers multiple damage.

2. FAQ

"Monster Movement
Q: If a flying monster passes through a hero that has Holy
Aura, does the monster suffer a wound for the space it
“shares” with the hero?
A: No."

You can also attack a flying monster with "guard", so it is "adjacent", though it ignores figures/obstacles.

€: hm this FAQ entry only handles the space of the hero-figure ... but afaik a flying creature can be grappled and also takes damage from aura.

Q: Does Grapple of a hero affect flying units?
A: Yes, however it would not affect a soaring figure.

Flying figures are still affected by Aura, that FAQ answer just means that they decided that Aura affects adjacent spaces but not your own space.