Noob Stealth Questions

By Musha Shukou, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

How does stealth work with the breath template and the blast ability?

Also, there's nothing in the instructions that say you lose your invisibility potion if you die. Can somebody please clarify?

Musha Shukou said:

How does stealth work with the breath template and the blast ability?

Tomb of Ice rules page 7, under "New Special Abilities - Stealth":

"When a single attack roll would affect multiple figures (for example, an attack using Blast , Breath , or Sweep ), and any of those figures have Stealth , a single stealth die is included in the attack roll, but the stealth die’s result is used only for the figures that currently have Stealth ."

Musha Shukou said:

Also, there's nothing in the instructions that say you lose your invisibility potion if you die. Can somebody please clarify?

I could've sworn that the "Monster and Hero Death" rules on page 16 of the JitD rulebook said something about removing tokens when you die (and recovering your wounds and fatigue), which might apply to this, but I can't seem to find any such rule in the PDF version. It might have been added between creation of the PDF and printing (I don't have my hard-copy rulebook handy to check, but I know several things were changed).

It is true that power and invulnerability potions both explicitly state in their rules that you lose the effect if you die, and invisibility potions do not (at least in the PDF rulebooks). That's probably an oversight.

It is my understanding that all lingering effects are removed when a hero dies. Potions don't really have a physical token to be removed (unless you choose to use the potion token itself, which is not expressly stated as part of their use) but the effect it provides is still a "lingering effect." I would agree with Antistone that even though there's no physical token to remove, the effect still ends on death.

Steve-O said:

Potions don't really have a physical token to be removed (unless you choose to use the potion token itself, which is not expressly stated as part of their use)

Actually, it is expressedly stated...on two out of three, again.

"A hero who drinks an invulnerability potion places the potion marker on top of his hero’s picture on his hero sheet." (AoD p.8)

"When a hero drinks an invisibility potion, his player places the potion marker on top of his hero’s picture on his hero sheet." (ToI p.7)

They're not listed under the "lingering effects" heading, though, so one could potentially make an argument about that.