For Profit and Plunder - A pc's tale

By MARVIN THE ARVN, in Rogue Trader


Well, I'm down South and the rest are split either side of the Pennines. Remote gaming was the only fesible option (even with SOMEBODIES tempremental connections and my machines tendancy on bad days to crash every 10-20 mins). Although, given how awsome everything turned out, I would probably have been prepared to travel once a week to create the above master piece.

Zakalwe - Yep, all of it was online, quite a feat as Major Kimenth mentions due to my horrendous internet connection and that ropey pc gran_risa.gif

Major Kimenth - That is praise indeed and I did consider a weekend based face to face game but the next one will be online so you can play.

Well, there is only 1 response to that:


it says the first file is broken and irreparable

Saved and copied to my external cogitator for future reviews of House Dureen's exploits. ;)

Howdy all,

Sorry for the enforced absence but ive been overseas.


House Dureen, once a rising star in the Koronus Expanse teeters on the brink of collapse.

The heart of the dynasty was destroyed defending the Calixis Sector from the great devourer and while the house is assailed by enemies on every side, infighting and enemies within further weaken the foundation of the house.

Can the few original survivors and a new generation of loyal subjects pull together the last disparate tethers that remains of House Dureen

Only time will tell…

So Marvin, does this mean Chronicles of House Dureen is getting a Season 4 or a side story? Been a year and some time since we last read a well written campaign report around here.

Hey Asajev ,

It should be a season 4 and will be between 10-30 years on from the events of the last book.

Also, I spoke to Lord Spatula and he said he is happy to act as chief chronicler and will no doubt produce something to the same high standard.

The group is just finishing through another game at the moment but should be finished in a few weeks.


I am glad of if it. I enjoyed the first three chronicles and have them saved.

I have read a few chapters every now and then, just want to chime in and say its superb work and I find it very enjoyable to read!

Hey guys,

Thanks for the kind words.

Sadly the game we were going to start has been put on hold due. We will start another campaign but it probably wont be for a few months.

Sorry to garner interest and then shoot it down.


Absolutely incredible. I was speechless by the time I finished the trip of PDFs, and I can't wait for the new campaign to start. Does your group meet and play in person? Or is it a webgame? Either way, audio from those sessions would be awesome, I can't even imagine how useful that would be. The GM of this group is right on top of his game, and I'd love to see some examples of his work in other Roleplays.

Keep us posted MARVIN, we loyal followers would read your tale if we had to venture into the Eye itself!

Hi Arkio,

Im glad you enjoyed the read, I ran this game and have run some others.

The other game of note was a 40-50-ish Dark Heresy campaign that we played before Rogue Trader that told the story of Interrogator Attelus and a group of Inquistorial Agents and their rise, fall then rise. At the start of that campaign I set the seeds of the main end plots for Rogue Trader. Sadly the scribe of that game failed in their duties and the notes are haphazard at best.

I know all of the players first hand but due to people moving away we played the game via skype and maptool.

Sadly, work has been very busy for me of late so I havent managed to start a new campaign but hopefully in the future I might be able to start a new one.

I also ran a Tour of Darkness campaign that Lord Spatula wrote up but the website it is on is down at the moment, if we can get copies of it we could think about releasing them. Just be aware that the campaign didn't actually finish though we got it to an end point.

Also, sorry for the late reply :D