I got my copy today and it came with a proof of purchase token. What's this proof of purchase token good for?
Proof of Purchase?
When you get 10,000 Fantasy Flight will send you the Golden Throne.
I think I first saw one in my Horus Heresy game. When I was missing a figure, I included the PoP code to the message I sent to FFG. Not that such a code has been needed in the past, but added it just in case, at least saved an email in the worst case.
Also, I think with 10,000, they will send you to the Golden Throne (time to feed the Emp)
My HH missed a unit as well and I didn't needed the proof of purchase code to get it.
I'll keep them anyway (just to be sure).
I am curious too to what this Proof of Purchase is and what it can be used for. Can I use it for anything, or can I only collect them for fun? And this 10 000 pts thing ppl are mentioning here, what is that? Does it mean you need one helluva amount of different and multiple copies of Fantasy Flight Games? And does Proof of Purchase have any value, and if so, how much? 1 Point? 10? I think I threw my POP in the original game, since I couldnĀ“t find any info about it. Anyway, does any1 know anything more and/or where to find any more info about it?
Umm... it's not like they meant it seriously... it was just a joke?!
Well... to be sure that there is no truth to it you could try to get hold of 10.000 FFG Games. But the only effect will be that there you'll have a nasty black hole in your bank account and people will take you for a fool.
Ok, guess you are right. Was just wondering because some companies in some cases, selling games, miniatures or action figures or whatever, they do tend to have some kind of campaign that lasts x number of months/years where you can send in x number of Proof of Purchase pts within x date to get a Special Campaign only item, only available/purchasable through collecting POP Pts.
Well I guess they were supposed to be used when you need replacement parts or something.
But since you get those without any proof of purchase there's not much you can do with those tokens.
Anyway it's not like they would consume much space in the boxes so they can as well stay in there. Just in case...