The Trask (my very own version)

By crisaron, in Fan Fiction

Resolved henceforth in the name of the Most Beneficent God-Emperor of Mankind, the High Lords of Terra grant this Warrant of Trade to:
Ertiam Trask
And to all of his line, from now until the end of time.
The Bearer of this Warrant of Trade is granted the inalienable right to go forth beyond the sacred borders of the blessed Imperium, to contact such benighted civilizations as he may encounter, and to make war for the glory of the Emperor as he deems necessary. By the authority of the Senatorum Imperialis, this Warrant places the Bearer as a peer to the great powers of the Imperium, inter alia: Imperial Commanders, Chapter Masters of the Adeptus Astartes, and the masters of the Holy Orders of the Emperor's Inquisition.
The authority this Warrant grants begins where the Imperium ends. Beyond the extent of Imperial rule, the bearer of this Warrant speaks with the voice of the Emperor Himself.
It is the bearer's right and his responsibility to claim whatever worlds, resources, or privileges he may obtain in any manner he chooses.

I. The Rogue Trader will forfeit any world to the Imperium tithes after it reached a critical mass of 500,000 Emperor worshiping souls.
II. The Rogue Trader will bring the words of the Holy Emperor to those world beyond the border of the Imperium and try to bring them within the folds of the Imperium.
III. The Rogue Trader will bring assistance to the Lathe forges up on request. The Request can be of Exploration, defenses or of requisition* nature only up on which the Rogue Trader may request a compensation.
IV. The Rogue Trader shall once every decade bring assistance to the members of the Holy Ordos Xenos.
V. The Rogue Trader shall once server the members of the Holy Ordos Malleus for a period of no more than 1 decade.

*The Adeptus Mechanicus forge of Lathe may once every decade, request “any” Archeotech or Xenotech found by the Rogue Trader be released to the forge world of Lathe without any reasons. As long as an Imperial Inquisitor of either the Ordo Xeno or Orde Malleus be present for the trade.
By writ of Seal of Holy Terra

When ever my party comes onto a to big cake piece I can wisk it away and just give something wrokable after.

Suffer not the heretic,
Hear not the voice of discord.

The Holy Emperor of man shall be mi protector.
My sword shall be is piercing gaze.
My Gun shall be is mighty fist.

Prayer of St-Drusus

In case of Gene-stealer spore assault.
1 - try not to move, the acid spores are triggered by movement
2 - If you encounter a Bio organism do not move, it may avoid you.
3 - Should you have to fight a bio organism we recommend avoiding any direct physical contact.
4 - In case of direct contact with a Xeno of tyranid origin, we recommend that all personnel by cleansed by Holy Promethium fire.
5 - When unsure (i.e. troops are found behind enemy line after X amount of time) we recommend cleansing the troop with Holy promethium anyway. The risk of a greater infection out weitghts the cost of a few millions souls.

Official Military orders for suspected Gene-Stealer population infection.

n.b. 6 - When a Gene-stealer infection is found on a low priority world (i.e. very distant, few resources, etc). The world and it's population should be eradicated without prejudice via orbital bombardment and if possible Exterminatus should be delivered to the planet via approved autority.
n.b 7 - Any world suspected of Gene-stealer infection must implement a blockade (or be blockaded) and all ships leaving or entering without military decree must be anihilated without prejudices.

Dark Fontier - part 1

Vous sentez tous la distortion de l'espace temps au moment ou votre cruiser "entrer le nouveau nom" travers de l'immaterium au materium.

Le voyage a ete long et violent. Votre vaisseau a subit multiples attack et a quelques reprise les champ Gheiler n'ont pu completement repousser les courrants intense des tempetes ou le Worn plagea sans relache et detour. Le cruiser ne filant qu'en une ligne direct seulement changeant pour redresse la cap lorsque qu'une raffale violente poussait l'embarcation vers une autre direction risquant plus souvent, que bien des hommes de votre equipage ont bien pu supporter, vers une destruction presque certaine. Car null passage ou equipage d'une embarcation traversant le warp ne pouvait redouter la terreur casi dementiel de ce retrouver sans protection a la merci du warp pure.

Au meme moment que derniere tentacule du warp relachere avec rage leur emprise sur votre vaisseau le klaxon d'alarme devenu crie de rage et de misere puisque tous savait qu'ils anoncait l'eventuel fin mais aussi seul temoin que tout n'etait fini, puisque qu'a leur silence une seul raison les boucliers deja a leur limite de tolerance venait de tomber.

Vous retenez tous votre respire (ceux qui utilisent encore des poumons humain bien sure). Impuissant devant la possibilite que les boucliers est tombe trop tot durant le transfer ou bien encore plus ironic que les domages considerable que le warp est cree rende le vaisseau sans defence contre le mort implacable du neant spacial.

De longues secondes s'ecoulent durant les quels multiples voyant lumineux demontre que si certaines section sont sous vide, les sections proncipales du vaisseau semble passablement viable. Le cruiser tien bon et ne se brise pas ou ne vous livre pas au vide.

L'equipage a enormement souffer, initialement un squelette, il est maintenant qu'une ombre bien maigre. Il vous sera impossible de manipuler le vaisseau ou de le faire tirer les demandes un mains etant impossible a combler. La dualiter de la realite imperial montrant une nouvelle foi sa face. Les machines si rare et si incomprise etaient venere et sous controle. Aucune machine ne devait jamais atteindre un niveau d'intelligence independante et si ils etaient si dure a reparer et fabriquer les humains eux etaient abonda et facilement remplacable mais fragile au multiples dangers des voyages intersideraux.

Apres plusieurs instant d'autre information commence a ce clarifie. Le vaisseau en plus d'etre casi imposible a manipuler est pris sous l'emprise d'une main invisble imbatable. Le vaisseau est imcapable de boujer pris sous l'influance considerable de l'enorme construction Xeno au centre du system solaire.

Navigator (JC) : - la station agis comme un point focale puissant dans le warp et empeche toute translation. Nous sommes pris ici, aucune porte ne peux etre ouvertent.

Senechal (mig) : - meme si nous le souhaitions maitre navigateur, l'equipage est beaucoup trop reduitent pour pouvoir etre fonctionel, de plus si je ne m'abuse nous n'avons aucune idee ou nous sommes.

Navigator(jc) : - la voie de l'empereur est extrement faible ici mais pas impossible a disserner. Je croie que nous sommes profond dans l'expension Khoronus dans le secteur des Ragged Worlds.

Ad-mech priest( joe) : Nous auront besoin d'hommes et de materiaux pour effetuer des reparations au vaisseau, nos senseurs ont detecte multiples corps flottant en orbite de l'anomalie xeno. Les signatures revelent des debris de vaisseau orks tres encients ainsi que quelque signatures imperials. Des analyze plus obtue sont en cours pour determiner l'etat et le type des corps. Je voudrais aussi pointer vers 2 corps celest demandant interet. Une planetoide semble orbiter sur un axe similaire au notre. Des signaux imperiaux rudimentaire ont ete detecte sur les onde a emissions longues, ceux ci semble constament relayer des coordonne des debris flottant pres du planetoid XA-1...

Missionaire (Don) : - Ou avez vous pris l'autorite de nommer les system solaires Adept?

Ad-mech: (joe) : - Explorator Magos est ma denominations attitre par les forge Lathe missionaire. Votre denomination du system mais sans consequence, ce system est classe Xeno Anomalie et le planetoides Xeno Anomalie - 1,... XA-1. Il est de mon devoir de calssifer chaque objet correctement et non sous la doctrine des Saint....

missionaire : - hereti....

Le click subtile du pistolet du captian ce fit comme un cris puissant dans la chambre. L'hostilite soudainement oublier, les deux adept sans dirent mots comprirent que leur debat philosophique devrait ce faire autre temps et loins de l'humeur furieuse du capitaine.

ad-mech : - oui,... Comme presente initialement le planetoid XA-1 semble transmettre des signaux semblable a ceux utiliser par les differents reclamateurs de debris imperiaux. Ceux ci sont des vaisseau qui s'encre et debris puis les fait tomber sous l'emprise gravitationel du planetoid ou mes analyze extrapole qu'ils sont probablement recycler. Le deuxieme corps est un asteroid de class moyen 3.4 km a sont plus long, ils semblent transmettre une version sertifier d'une sous branche du mouvement Imperial de Saint Drusus.

Dark Frontier part 2 - 1st Endeavor finished

After a year or so, the Void Kraken is now as operational as you can git it, 2/3 structural and most modules back and working you guys figured that short of a real dry dock with the necessary tools it won't get better then that unless you are willing to spend another year...

In that year, the Void Raven as found you and brought more personnel on board and so did your new free captain, bringing your crew to a 75% total with a moral of 55% (they are reckless to get going staying longer could get dangerous!). Hardek seams to temper is arrogance and under the House Vrask is colony as improved quit a bit, the overall population getting to live generally longer and with more food. The salvage work is underway and the mutants seam to enjoy this new possible future.

The baleful eye of the Yu'vath construct is still there. Alto no power is emanating from it, and all the Wasp seam to have died with it, all salvage crews and your worker still avoid it and shudder when looking at it. After seeing the halo artifact in the chamber before the explosion, no reports of it have come in.

The Void Raven as broken orbit, the Void Kraken slowly turns to follow, they head for the Lagrange exit point, where the ship will be able to transit into the warp without planets ripping it apart. A year since the alarms and klaxons last rang, you look at navigator copula half expecting or hear a scream and to be stuck again... time passes...

"AAAAaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhrrrrrrrrggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!......" You all jump gun raised looking around when you see the ship Missionary looking at is robes "**** this coffee is hot!"


Porfit factor +5

1- The forsaken bounty ( required achievement pts) success
. build harvesting facility for the debris field (+pts) (required work not just do it) missed
. pay for rescued personnel (+pts) missed
. Salvage the Cruiser (+) opt
. Reclaim the cruiser (+) opt completed

2- Dark Frontier (required ) success
. Save the cruiser (completed () completed
. Pacify the Holy bunch () completed
. charge holy bunch for rescue () failed
. claim holy bunch hulk for salvage and expension () completed
. get help from the free captain and get her to pledge toward Vrask Dynasty () completed

. Pacify the Harder Survivor ( ) completed
. Pacify Hardek ( )completed

.Neutralise the Yu'vath construct ()completed

3 - The way home ( opt req ) failed (not a problem you guys had enough pts that was opt only)

req total 1250 accumulated completed

2nd Endeavor - The SpaceHulk, the Ork and the ROCK!

After three weeks of travel within the warp with a few transition to check your course. You have reached a real star system exiting within the Lagrange warp transit point. Initial survey reveal little of interest, the small hydrogen star hold a relatively thin asteroid belt in a loose ring orbit. survey seam to indicate mostly water and other simple gas.

Your navigators believe this system is located in between Naduesh and Aubray's Anvil, two star system at the edge of the Ragged Worlds region (N-E on the map). This means the navigator where able to locate XA (still to be named Xeno system ) a little outside of the map.

After some discussion, the coordinate are marked down and the ships realign to enter the Lagrange warp transit point. Just as the captain is about to give the orders to spool up the warp engine and raise the geiler fields, the internal comms crack alive:

"This is asthropath Leif to the bridge, we have receive a asthropatich message, apparently some nearby system is under siege by orks and they are requesting any possible help.

- From the information relayed I can guess that this system would be within a few weeks of travel core ward (i.e. pure east on the map). If my estimate are good we have about 4 to 5 months of warp travel left before touching down at port Wander (just of the Maw passage), said the master navigator.

- Also the message seam to say there is a considerable population to "save" and exclusive business opportunity for the saviors, adds the seneshal, alto it is rumored that there is lots of pirates, rogue organization and but only a few other rival rogue trader houses this far out. The Winter Scale realm region just below us, is by far the most explored and full of Empire worshiping citizen, so there is bound to be action just north of that region.

- Active Captain of the Void Raven here, all system are okay and warp engines are spool to maximum, awaiting order fleet captain!"

All heads turn towards the rogue trader awaiting the order to cross into the warp, but what will be the destination, are we out for Ork blood?

Any request? Questions?

Be ready the war is a commin!
