beserk - not as good as I expected?

By LostHorizons, in Doom

So, I am a new Doom player - 3 games so far, in 2nd scenario come across a beserk token - hey cool, I think. But in reality was a bit of let down . I guess that I was expecting a video game style kill frenzy that this kind of power up usually gives but was only able to attack 2 invaders in range and one of those atacks missed :( should probably have saved it up for a better single enemy. Maybe I'll get one in a better situation next time.

Are there any mod suggestions to raise it to my perceived level - maybe a movement increase and a 'sweep alike' effect to simulate and attack speed improvement. Maybe that would be overkill - but surely that is the point :D

Just wait until you come up against the Cyber Demon. 5 Armor and 4 Health (meaning 20 points of damage), you'll kill for Berserk cool.gif . Front Guard + Killer Instinct is a nice combo if you can choose who picks up Berserk. On Advance can move 8 + attack, then if he kills, can activate his KI for move 4 + attack. Should be leaving a path of destruction in his wake. But really, anything above Pooch (Demon), meaning Mancubus, Hell Knight and Cyber Demon, all are so nicely squished with a single red die roll than pumping them full of lead (or equivalent). Of course, a smart Invader will do some nasty things to your Berserk, trying to keep the Big Guns out of his range...

The thing that makes Berserk quite weak in my eyes is that it is activated on pick up. A smart invader can try to anticipate any placed berserk tokens. I've seen marine players just leave them and not even bother to pick them up.

Scy800 said:

The thing that makes Berserk quite weak in my eyes is that it is activated on pick up. A smart invader can try to anticipate any placed berserk tokens. I've seen marine players just leave them and not even bother to pick them up.

While this isn't really the Doom feel, but if the marines know the map, then it can work in the favor of the marines. For example, in Knee Deep if they are lucky and get that blue door working, a marine could grab the berserk token and get a hit or two in on the Hell Knights in that end room.

Also, you could do what I'm doing for the Advance Campaign, house-rule all the various tokens to work more like Descent potions, so that the heroes pick it up and it only activates if they spent 1MP to "use" the berserk token (and the same for Health tokens, Adrenaline tokens, etc).


Berserk was one of the first things that we houseruled immediately after playing a few times along with Plasma gun {Aimed instead of Accuracy1} and Pistol {infinite ammo}.

Now ALL pick-ups are carried just like Adrenaline and can be used at the beginning of the marine's turn for two turns, the turn that they are activated and the next.

IF however a marine carrying tokens is fragged, he loses all of them.

Berserk as is, is pretty worthless. An experienced Invader will use it to his advantage. It's actually a penalty and not a bonus for the marine that picks it up. A clever Invader will get 5+ spaces away from that marine every turn or just let some Imps in his way. A Berserk marine with no Invader in his 4- spaces range is completely worthless.

If you want you can see our full house rules here:

I would never make berserk into a pickup that can be used whenever the marines want, that's a tad to strong for my tastes.

However the idea that they lose any berserk tokens upon death, that would balance it a bit I think. Will have to try that in the future.

Notice too it only lasts 2 turns instead of 3, that helps balance it a bit.


Scy800 said:

I would never make berserk into a pickup that can be used whenever the marines want, that's a tad to strong for my tastes.

It's not. Trust me. happy.gif

Every scenario that gives a Berserk token to the marines actually wants them to use it to kill a nearby big monster. BUT if you use the official rules the Invader can avoid your Berserker easily. If you make it a pickup then you make it useful but not too strong.

A marine that tries to keep his Berserk pickup for the last room will not live much longer since the Invader will actively try to kill him in order to make him discard it.

What this home rule does is make the Berserk token useful for the marines and not a trap like it is now. How many monsters can you kill with two turn of Berserk action anyway? The Invader isn't going to stand there and let you punch his big monsters for two turns. BUT at least you can kill one big monster which is actually what Berserk should do in the first place.

Okay, you convinced me. Will try these rules next time we play. Two turns and removal upon death should balance it out I think. Who knows, I might even add berserk tokens to homemade scenarios now :)