Buying this game

By Luvia, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Im gonna purchase this game from my FLGS. I am also grapping an exspansion pack. I wanted some advice on what exspansion I should get.

Tomb of Ice if they have it. It makes things a bit easier for the heroes, has cool tiles, and is currently out of print. The reprint may be 3-6 months from hitting shelves.

Out of print eh? I will look into it. any other advice?

I would suggest starting with just the base game. Descent has a lot of rules to wrap your head around, so it helps to learn the basics before you start expanding. Make sure to check out the FAQ online, too.

Tomb of Ice may currently be out of print, but it's also the second-most recent expansion. The odds of it vanishing forever are pretty slim.

Although the heroes do have a steeper learning curve than the OL, once both sides know what they're doing the base game alone is roughly 50/50 win ratio. I'd suggest getting Tomb of Ice in tandem with either Well of Darkness or Altar of Despair (at a later time, of course.) ToI makes things easier for the heroes, the other two makes things significantly harder, so getting one of those pairs should help keep things on an even keel as you grow.

I'd do the one that introduces curses if you were just going to do one.

Thanks for the advice steve-o. I think ill go with well of despair. I like the sound of putting my players in despair.=P

Also Im an avid doom player how similar are the 2 games?

I'll reiterate the advice to start with only the base game. Seriously.

Never played Doom, but I understand the basic mechanics are very similar, though it certainly isn't *just* a re-theme: there are some quite significant differences, such as fatigue, conquest tokens, lack of ammunition, and so on.

Luvia said:

Also Im an avid doom player how similar are the 2 games?

As I understand it, Descent is the game they made when (or shortly before) they lost the license to make more expansions for Doom. It's the same core game engine - choosing between four Actions,the dice roll range and well as damage, etc. There are some changes as Yellow mentions, which generally shift the atmosphere of the game towards adventure rather than survival horror (probably a wise decision.) There's no more ammunition for ranged weapons. Healing is lot easier to do (although ironically I find that heroes tend to just let themselves die as long as they can spare the CT loss - aka "frag.")

The colour-coded monsters idea is gone - now there's just two colours, white for regular and red for master. Also, armor subtracts from instead of divides into damage. This allows for a wider range of armor values without being totally broken.

Interesting. Well with the advice from yellow,steve-o and others I think ill but the base game play a few missons. Then ill see if I want the exspansions.