Goblin Run House Rule : Info-commerical

By jdw1710, in Battlelore

[read as if Info-commercial voice] gran_risa.gif Are you tired of getting stuck with goblins when all they do is run? You use your precious commands to move them up the battlefield only to see them run into oblivion at the first sight of combat, virtually dissipating before you eyes? You've been the victim of the notorious "Goblin Run". We'll never fear, BLAMCO Inc. has a solution for you! BLAMCO is offering a new rule, a house rule, for Goblin Run. Instead of rolling for hits on a Goblin Run, why not just roll for flags? Yes, it's that easy. No longer will your goblins disapear magically as they retreat from the enemy, rather they will continue running, possibly right off the board! Isn't that fun?! [end info-commercial]

I really like goblins, but it's so hard to select them because imho the Goblin Run rule makes them very weak. Then during a "practice" game this evening, I was watching my Gobos do what they do best (run and be destroyed) I happen upon a Run roll of a flag and a green helm (for a green Gob unit). Typically that means a causulty, but then I thought, "Hey, what if instead of taking a causulty, I just retreat the Goblin unit another two spaces (via the flag roll) and roll another Goblin Run roll?" If another flag comes up the Gobs keep running, if not they stop. If enough flag rolls occur the gobs will eventually retreat right off the board (standard BL rules for units retreating off the board).

What do you all think? Good house rule? bad house rule? Should I just give up on the Gobs? llorando.gif

Have you added the Goblin expansion units to the mix? There are some things int he expansions - such as the band - that makes them more desireable to play.

Hi ColtsFan,

Yes, I do have a couple of the Goblin box sets (including the band Goblins) which does alleviate some of the weakness of the Goblins from the basic set (along with being cool miniatures happy.gif ). I guess my issue is with the severity that Goblins take hits when retreating. IMHO this seems too much of a negative against the Goblins, despite the positive Goblin Rush. I understand DOW and Mr. Borg's logic for the hit dice per retreat rule (Goblins scatter when their moral breaks). However, it seems a little too harsh, so, the reason for creating the houserule.

I was thinking more about this and to add some strategy maybe the player who is playing the Goblins can either decide to to take hits or flags before the Goblin Run retreat dice are rolled.

Thanks for listening to the my Goblin woes

The goblins have the Goblin Rush but they also have an advantage in numbers. If you look at Call to Arms, most cards only have 4 units while anything with a GOblin has 5 (going off memory). So swarming over the enemy is an advantage that needs to be pressed.

As far as retreating being devasting, it just means you need to be all the more careful to keep your units supported - again where an extra unit comes in handy and where the Bands become very powerful.

So a straight up comparison between a single Goblin unit and any other unit proves they are much weaker. But if you can exploit their advantages and coordinate them to move quickly into battle, remain in "formation," and play them some music, they are a formidble opponent. It is definitely a case where the sum of the parts is much greater than the whole.

But having said that, feel free to experiment and let us know how it plays out. I am not certain I like the idea of contiually rerolling. Personally, I like the finality of one roll and resolved in the case of panic.

Also, one note: Units do not retreat off the board. For each hex that cannot be resolved, one figure is lost. I am not sure if you understood that and mistyped it above or if you overlooked that rule (the rule was in effect under Battle Cry but has been changed since Memoir came out).

This may seem like a bit of a newbie question, but to me and my friend the ruling doesn't seem clear enough.

Do Goblins become bold if they are adjacent to two friendly units? Or are they always frightened regardless of their formation?

Sebly said:

This may seem like a bit of a newbie question, but to me and my friend the ruling doesn't seem clear enough.

Do Goblins become bold if they are adjacent to two friendly units? Or are they always frightened regardless of their formation?

The rule book doesn't make the distinction very clear. Yes, you may be bold and frightened at the same time, odd as that sounds. But if you keep this straight, it should shed some light on it.

Bold is a condition that you check only for Battle Back . Bold X just means you are supported and can ignore X amount of flags. And if you do not vacate your hex, you can then battle back.

Frightened is a condition you check only when you Retreat . Frightened is just a term to mean you must make panic rolls if you do retreat.

Since they occur during two different "phases" of the battle, it is possible to be both since they don't happen simultaneously, but sequentially. Thematically, think of a Bold Goblin as haviung safety in numbers so they feel invincible and hold their ground. But then the world falls apart and your opponent rolls enopugh Flags to overcome their Boldness. They the run like heck knocking others down and creating mass chaos.

Hope that helps.

Thanks. That's how we had been playing it :)

Good to know for certain though :)

Now I just need FFG to start up a dice replacement program...

as far as letting the owner decide whether they run or die, I would say absolutel NOT! they're out of your control, they would be out of the control of any unit commander, much less the army commander.

of course if the army commander is represented on the board as a fig (hero rules anyone) thus representing the location of the CnC on the board, I could see giving the player some sort of control over an individual running unit.