SoB Level 50

By Parathion, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The special movement instructions on the level card leave a lot of room for interpretation. In my opinion this needs clarification in the next FAQ.

The text says that at the start of the OL turn, all figures (starting with monsters, then heros) are moved 1 space towards the nearest pit space.

a) Who decides which is the nearest pit space, if more than one have the same distance to the figure to be moved?

b) Who decides the exact movement path if several spaces are possible which are one space closer to the nearest pit?

c) Who decides the order of individual movements within the group of monsters and heros?

We played this level last night and it made the difference between life and death of one hero.

Minor clarification issues: The text further says that "any figure that falls into a pit on this level, suffers 2 wounds."

d) Is this valid for pits from Trap cards as well?

e) Is this valid for deliberately entering a pit space in this level (original or from a Trap card)?

Parathion said:

The special movement instructions on the level card leave a lot of room for interpretation. In my opinion this needs clarification in the next FAQ.

The text says that at the start of the OL turn, all figures (starting with monsters, then heros) are moved 1 space towards the nearest pit space.

a) Who decides which is the nearest pit space, if more than one have the same distance to the figure to be moved?

b) Who decides the exact movement path if several spaces are possible which are one space closer to the nearest pit?

c) Who decides the order of individual movements within the group of monsters and heros?

We played this level last night and it made the difference between life and death of one hero.

Minor clarification issues: The text further says that "any figure that falls into a pit on this level, suffers 2 wounds."

d) Is this valid for pits from Trap cards as well?

e) Is this valid for deliberately entering a pit space in this level (original or from a Trap card)?

I guess there is potential for a clarification there. We played this level without any issues, deciding that since the movement was during the OLs turn (at the start of...) the OL controlled the movement for a, b and c above. But I can see that this is maybe worth a question.

I don't think d) or e) need any clarification personally. To be honest (and not aimed at you Parathion, I just mean 'general category of question'), these two questions fit into the category of "I don't want what is plainly written to be true so I'll ask, hoping for a different answer to what the rules clearly give" and "I'm too lazy to actually research the answer myself so I'll use up FFG resources to ask them".
These are exactly the sort of questions we are trying to prevent being sent to FFG (IMO), in order to reduce wastage of FFG time and FAQ space. So no problem with bringing them up BTW... better here than straight to FFG.

d) Of course it is. it doesn't say 'THE' pit, it says 'a pit'. A pit left behind by a Spiked Pit Trap card is 'a pit', therefore it applies.
e) Moving into a pit deliberately is explicitly "falling into the pit" (check out the basc pit rules, DJitD pg16) so very clearly counts.

d) and e) were actually asked by the hero players (having a Knockback weapon), and it affects both monsters and heros, so I don´t see how that fits into the category "I don't want what is plainly written to be true so I'll ask, hoping for a different answer to what the rules clearly give".

Regarding a) to c) we played that the OL decides just as you did, since it is his turn (and his effect), but when it opened the opportunity to kill a hero the hero players claimed to smell something fishy.

So, will you include a) to c) in the new set of questions to be answered?

Parathion said:

d) and e) were actually asked by the hero players (having a Knockback weapon), and it affects both monsters and heros, so I don´t see how that fits into the category "I don't want what is plainly written to be true so I'll ask, hoping for a different answer to what the rules clearly give".

Regarding a) to c) we played that the OL decides just as you did, since it is his turn (and his effect), but when it opened the opportunity to kill a hero the hero players claimed to smell something fishy.

So, will you include a) to c) in the new set of questions to be answered?

Like I said, the comment wasn't directed at you, or the people asking. It is just a case of the rules are very clear, so if any effort was made to check the rules and the question is still asked the conclusion can only be that the clear rules answer isn't liked (whether it be good for the askee personally or not). I apologise if it came off more combative than I intended (sounds like it did).

Like I said, a) to c) are reasonable questions so I guess that'll be another thread.

I am not the sole arbitor of what gets asked and what doesn't, just giving my opinion on d/e. If enough people, especially people making a respectable argument for uncertainty, clamoured to put d/e in as well then they would probably go in even though I think that is a waste of resources.

I wouldn't include d&e in the new as questions for the FAQ. It is pretty clear IMO. The purpose is for the OL to damage the hero's as well as move them away from the door.