Just spray primed a Troll and Blood Ape, and have some questions. Please help.

By viper5121, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I just spray primed a Troll and Blood Ape with Army Painter White Spray Primer Paint. I noticed that I forgot to remove a tiny piece of flash from the Troll's shoulder. I don't think the Blood Ape had any flash at all on it. My questions are:

Will it look bad to paint it with the tiny piece of flash on it? If so, how should I remove it? Can I cut it off and buy some bottle white primer paint and reprime that tiny area? Or should I do the Pine Sol method and remove all the primer paint completely, cut the flash piece off, and re-prime it? What else can be done to fix this?

Do you all on here bother removing the tiny pieces of excessive flash on your Descent figures before painting them?

Any help will be appreciated.


I always remove flash before painting or priming a mini. Sometimes though some of them are hard to see until you do paint it. If it's only been primed, then whew, just cut the flash off and reprime that small section (either with the can or brush). Shouldn't be too hard to do.


shnar said:

I always remove flash before painting or priming a mini. Sometimes though some of them are hard to see until you do paint it. If it's only been primed, then whew, just cut the flash off and reprime that small section (either with the can or brush). Shouldn't be too hard to do.


I was thinking the easiest and least expensive thing to do is trim the piece of flash off, spray some primer on a brush, and just touch up the area where I removed the flash. What do you think?

That's what I would do. I wouldn't stress over it either, it's just primer on it.


Honestly, I wouldn't even waste time re-priming the spot where the flash used to be. Just cut it off and go from there. You don't want re-spray the troll directly since that might begin to obscure the detail (and as someone who has grown accustomed to GW's level of detail, it doesn't seem like these Descent figs have much to begin with.)

You can do the brush trick if you really want, or give it a quick go with white paint. Or you could just paint over it with your base colours. It probably won't be noticeable when you're done anyway.

My most common solution to that problem is simply remove the flashing bits then paint as if you had cut if off to begin with. I've taken time to make sure a good coat of primer is on the minis. I've had uneven coats of primer and I've even tried a few with no primer. Usually in the end you want to do a wash of some sort over the mini. The purpose being to have different shades of color on the mini to create realism. Missing priming a spot is one way to get this effect. The only thing I've done and had to redo is leaving the flashing on and getting sick of looking at the mini with it still on there.

Ringarin said:

The only thing I've done and had to redo is leaving the flashing on and getting sick of looking at the mini with it still on there.

The only time I left flash on a mini deliberately was a nightmare for Legions of Steel (old boardgame, similar to Space Hulk.) Nightmares are essentially terminators without the skin. Anyway, this one had a big long piece of flash coming right off his middle finger, so I straightened it out, painted it gold and called him "Goldfinger." =)

clip it and use white out