squad fireswrath waited patiently in the l briefing chamber abouard the strike cruiser 'Emperor's Rage' their watch comander was reading something from a dtata slat on the great I shaped podeum. Slowly lifting his gnarled visage with 6 honour studs froming a pair of lines in his forehead, "brothers" his voice like steal stong and precise, " your assignment is an unusual one to say the least" pausing to let his words sink in."you are to assit a member of the inquisition and his bodyguards in a fact finding mission, we await the inquisitor for a full brief" .
As the silence stretched on a bit it was brother sagitus of the blood angels who spoke" sir, who is the inquisitor and which of the ordo's is he from?" Watch comander azeikel smiled a grim smile" his name is Lucious Vallisian and he is as far as his security clearnece states is a member of..." he broke off as the breifing room door opened and in walked four figures three were similary atired as themselves except instead of there armour being black each wore the livery of a diffrent chapter a green scaled patern and lizard heraldry on the left most was that of a Salamander, the right most was in the grey of the space wolves and the centre in the blue of ultramarines. The figure in front was striking in his own way his body encased in an ornate suit of power armour the eagle at the centre of the chest holding a hammer and surmounting a large I, his every movment was that of a warrior and commander, a great hammer rested at his side and on his other hip a infenus pistol. Raising his gaze to take in the assembled squad his mouth upturned into a slight smile " gentleman, as you already know i am Inquisitor Lucious Vallisian, and i am from ordo malleus. our mission is verifying the truth from several records and artifacts each held by one of these three chapters and a record made by a being who claims to be a primarch that was written and verified as being over 10 millenia old" he paused as if weighing his words carefully " All these items and records point to the fact that the Emperor ordered two entire legions to go into stasis at hidden locations, due to his sensing a great calamity coming upon mankind where he would loose many of the legions to some unknown enemy" placing four items on the desk in the centre of the room " this was 60 years before the horus heresy, we are on the trail of the last peice locating one of these legions."
"the reason i have requested the aid of the Deathwatch is that the elder seem to be moving on this world and i have been assured you are the most competent at fighting these foul xenos. Is there any questions?" his level gaze swept the room as he waited. Sagitus his voice level but a hint of awe as he looked at the artifacts on the table" What is known of this legion? have they a name?" finally tearing his gaze from the artifacts to look again at the inquisitor who spoke once again " We know they are called the Sons of the Dragon and that this Primarch is called Dragan, which in an aincent terran language means dragon"
Brother Buelvyr of the space wolves his rough voice filled with query " how are our brethren involved" indicating the three marines who had been silent until this point "We are here to protect sacred relics of our chapter and if at all possible bring this quest to an end, to that end we each have a squad from our chosen chapter as honour guards" the salamander spoke.