Has it been ditched?
Boards looks cool and all... but where is the PBeM Category?
We really need the PBeM forums back, otherwise this is going to get really cluttered very fast.
Agreed. I would suggest that people who are in games refrain from restarting their game threads until they can add a new forum for it.
Ah, it looks like there's a subforum.
However, I am having troubling navigating to the board game area from the main site. If I hadn't left this page open I wouldn't be able to make it back.
I am going to move much of my stuff to the wiki forums. Never had a problem there. I do not know if I will start a new game here or there yet. Will give this site some more time to figure it all out.
I do not see a PM function or an edit function for your own posts yet.
There hasnt been any info about the OLD forum is goign down, its still up..... do we need to panic?
Tawnos76 said:
I do not see a PM function or an edit function for your own posts yet.
Yeah, and an edit function is very important, esp. when you're using quotes like I am!
I imagine the "Friends" feature will integrate with private messages somehow.
Hmm... wonder if this forum has a censor? **** **** ****.
The main FFG forums had posted that the old forums will be up for 2 weeks then locked to further editing.
Here is a link to the information of when it will be gone.
Mike_Evans said:

Methinks the answer would be "no", at least right now.
So no more crappity smacking!
Guess no "Boy thingies" either huh?
We're definitely going to need some kind of "favorites" or "bookmarks" though... I am really dependent on those, hate searching through the huge PBEM forum to find my thread.
Well, lets try those less crappy smileys!
Glad to see my Jedi mind tricks can work over the internet...
Now you see em... now you don't...