A series of unfortunate events aboard the Misericord

By Vinterdraken, in Dark Heresy Gamemasters

First I would like to urge any of the players in my chroncicle who might stumble in here to not read this since it contains spoilers.

I am currently playing through the collection of adventures that have been released as a campaign with one of my DH groups. Sofar we have gotten through Shattered Hope, Illumination, Edge of Darkness, Maggots in the Meat and about half of Rejoice for you are True. After finishing Baron Hopes I plan on continuing the chronicle with some own material and bring my characters back to Iocanthos to play out some of the loose threads left behind (and give the dancer a go at revenge). I plan on letting the players take a trip aboard the Misericord to reach Iocanthos since I am rather fond of the ship and its quirks. Rather then just fast forwarding the trip I plan to stage a adventure onboard that is not a mission given by their masters but something that they themselves choose to deal with, giving ample time to savour the unique ship and also move a little from the standard adventure formula of missions. Although ive got alot of interesting scenes and such planned around the setting, rIght now Im having some troubles coming up with something interesting to throw at my players. I need the "adventure" itself so to speak, and not just the setting.

Anyone have some interesting ideas to build on?

Ill try to bounce some ideas ive had and see if we can kick start some talk.

Ive considered having localised Gellar field failures resulting in manifestations of demonic influence and perhaps some minor demonic creatures attacking, but this idea somehow feels rather unoriginal. Also I would rather not have a scenario based around a demon or possessions seeing as how the players are enroute to Iocanthos where the mission will atleast be related to a demon and its influences. Furthermore it might also come across as somewhat similar to Shades on Twilight.

I would rather have a more "Mundane" problem for them

Agreed, stay away from daemons.

Perhaps a murder mystery ... the catch is, once they've spent a little time looking into it, discovering suspects and rooting out why someone might want the guy dead, (relationship issues I'm thinking, in order to keep it kind of light) they stumble upon the guy himself ... very much alive and having faked his own death. (either because he was affraid of what someone might do to him, because he as trying to get out of a bad relationship/didn't want to be preasured into marrying someone he knocked up, etc.) Now he needs help settling this, and as he plays an important role on the ship if this isn't settled he won't return to work and complications may ensue.

Someone breaks into the pcs room out of curiosity and steals one of their journals. The players need to get this back quickly, before delicate information is leaked by the theif. Worst come to worst the pcs are looking at a corruption of the entire ship by secret knowledge and if they can't get it back may need to erase the ship's crew.

Everyone gets sick from bad food poisoning an hour prior to dropping out of warp to get their barings. When they do drop out they stumble upon a ship obviously overtaken by pirates ... if you need the extra carrot, the ship is imperial and official ... the pcs have to get aboard the other ship and eliminate the threat while fighting their own nausea, weakness, diziness, etc. from the food poisoning.

Someone on the ship is having a baby ... a fine, happy experience, except for the fact that a passenger they picked up happens to be a superstitious zealot who believes babies born in the warp are demon shells. The man is highly charismatic and starts getting the other passengers and even some of the crew worked up. Do the pcs help the woman and her child or leave their to their fates?

The pcs wake up in their beds to find the ship empty and derelict. Through some kind of warp anomaly they have been moved forward in time, after a catastrophe killed the entire crew and left the ship stranded in the warp. They need to find out what happened and get back to their own time in order to stop the events from occuring, or they may well be stuck here forever.

I hope some of those help.

How about a "Let´s get outta here!" adventure?

The basic design is rather simply. Something aboard the Misericord malefunctions BIG TIME. Perhabs the pressure inside some of the plasma pipes grows up to the point that this pipe breaks in several places at once, destroying a lot of other systems along. Think about plasma leaks, toxic gases venting out of pipes, grav-plating getting destroyed, ship systems (and servitors) malefunction. Get A LOT of people in this section killed, get some air vent out and get a lot of section "shutted off". Including the one the pc are in. Perhabs they pass out from falling objects and awake in their cabin, the red emergency flash light going and the door shutted. Communication systems no longer online.

The "adventure": get out of the malefunctioning ship section alive!

Time for climbing, low-g movement, dexterity rolls, intelligence for getting around in the ship (!) and other "pure survival" tasks. Add some malefunctioned servitores and some surviving crew members. And if you are in the mood for it, how for some new "passage" to a "black deck" that openend due to damage? Bring in some strange mutant critters or other things.

Of course, you can start the thing as an "Dark Eldar Raid" -Adventure. Since you own "Purge the Unclean", you do have the stats for them and their warp beast. A small raiding vessel should be able to get near the ship, make hull contact, get in, grap some people & wreak some havoc before getting back & detaching for a retreat.

Of course, perhabs the mentioned "malefunction" is some kind of sabotage. Perhabs a warp cult among the ratings?

You could add a journy down to the black holds...as i am sure that this ship has a few of those. There are all kinds of "unfortunates" that live in the darkholds. Check out that section in IH. Lots of mutants can be hinding out there.

A xenos boarding party that has been sent to retrive some specific cargo...more of the lurking in the shadows type of encounter.

Also how about the apperance of a nemises....nothing says suprise like an arch villian showing up out of no where =]

I have been thinking about something similar for my own game. Here is what I have come up with:

In the start it is just simple murder mystery. Crew members are found killed in one sector of ship. This logically leads to captain asking members of Inquisition (assuming they don't travel incognito, because it is so much more convenient to have Inquisition pay their trips) to help ship security in investigation.

Soon they find out that something has broken out from Black Holds and is behind the killings. When the acolytes and ship security track down their prey to where it came from (ship personnel want blood for blood, so simply re-sealing the Holds is not enough) they enter the closed sectors, where they become victims of said malfunction. Stuff breaks, sectors are decompressed and sealed, people die and the acolytes are now alone in the Black Holds.

When searching their prey and a way out the acolytes find out that the killer was a recon servitor (a gun skull for example) made by a Logician heretek, who is massing a servitor/mutant army in Black Holds to capture the ship and use it as a base of operations. The accident was his insurance if someone should find out about himself or his servitors, but something went wrong and acolytes survived. Without communication systems (too much iron around them for micro-beads and their vox died in the accident) and being sealed into Holds the acolytes need to find a way to foil the heretek's plans and break down his army. Some surviving crew member may tell them how to get to local control room, where they can find working vox and call help, but of course the heretek has looted the control room, so there won't be much useful in there except the information that the heretek has working communications equipment.

That's my 2 cents...

These lasts posts have really gotten my evil brain half thinking. Ive been meaning to make a glorius return to plauge my players with the Logicians. And the Misericord will be the last place they look.,...*evil laughter*