Maybe I'm not reading the rules correctly. Maybe I am. Can someone please explain why Neokinesis is any good, especially on characters like Derek Shezard? Why spend 2 AP to get 1 back next turn...? Is this ability really only useful when combined with some of the special cards? Please give me a break down on how to use this in a game.
Neokinesis Help for a new player
Ok so Dereck is very old character but still powerful due to his stat and abilities. His neokinesis is much weaker than others and useless if not combined with neokinesis magnus adventage card that gives an additional lvl of haste with neokinesis. Its still 2 for 2, but be sure to notice that his neokinesis is an reactive ability which means it can be used outiside of derecks turn. This means that at the end of the round if dereck has 2 AP left he can shot Haste lvl2 to secure for himself 4 AP regenertion for the next 2 turns. Furthermore his Neokinesis unlike all others is unlimited which means he can go all the way to lvl 4 haste in 1 turn or just before the start of combat. In a 7 round skirmish game having 4 round haste in during round 2 means a lot. There are very few characters that cn counter-buff so thers only a slight chance this effort might go to waste. If those buffs are well laid dereck becomes a AP3 regeneration chracter with 8/5 attack and 12 defense. He's 2AP attacks are now as big threat as 3Ap special attacks of wissenshaft assault warriors and he still has bigger defense atributes.
Btw don't bother with Neo genesis
One of the biggest advantages to Neo-kinesis is that ability for Haste markers to be used to pay off an Upkeep cost before you go through the maintainence phase replenishing your Action Points and then paying it out.
Neokinesis on Dereck by itself is nect to useless. Its only there in case you have the Neo-Kinesis Magnus card from Celia or you have another character that can improve the ability as it really only kicks in as an advantage if you have Dereck sitting on full AP for one round and all he does is Neo-Kinesis in preparation.
example: Round 1 - Dereck begins the game with 4 AP but the player decided to begin with the ability Upkept so he has 3 AP, on his activation he takes a walk action and his turn ends.
Round 2 - Dereck refreshes 3 AP bringing his total to 5 and keeps Seals of the Dragon going giving him 4 AP for the round. Dereck Activates Neo-kinesis knowing he will need all 5 AP in the next turn leaving him with 2 unspent AP
Round 3 - Dereck uses his Haste Marker to pay for Seal of the Dragon early. HE then regenerates 3 AP bringing his total to 5. Mr. Fist then proceeds to decimate his opponents with his awesome super kinetic kung fu action.
This is pretty much the only way that Derecks Neo-Kinesis is any advantage and its a big set-up. Add the MAgnus card to it and its a much quicker set-up. Or ignore the ability and give him something like Clock of Kronos to do pretty much the same thing. Otherwise you can usually use Dereck's normal Regen to far more effect.
On other Characters Neo-Kinesis is usually a level 2 ability already which makes for a good payout.
- Raith
Thanks for the explanation everyone! Very, very helpful!!!
Raith said:
One of the biggest advantages to Neo-kinesis is that ability for Haste markers to be used to pay off an Upkeep cost before you go through the maintainence phase replenishing your Action Points and then paying it out.
Sorry but this one is incorrect Raith
Haste alone cannot replenish the AP that was spent on Upkeeps.
Let me tke out the sheet
1) Recovery phase
1. Strighter up characters
2. Recover action points
3.Recover gnosis points
2) Upeekp phase
1.Remove state counters (Here the haste gives you the additional AP
2.Remove bind points and make stability checks
3.Pay the abilities upkeep costs (here u spend the AP)
4. Determine the initiative
3) Action phase
As you can see haste cannot buy you your upkeeps and keep you at your max AP at the same time. No present ability that takes place in the recovery or upkeep phase can do that
Grandmikus said:
Sorry but this one is incorrect Raith
Haste alone cannot replenish the AP that was spent on Upkeeps.
Let me tke out the sheet
1) Recovery phase
1. Strighter up characters
2. Recover action points
3.Recover gnosis points
2) Upeekp phase
1.Remove state counters (Here the haste gives you the additional AP
2.Remove bind points and make stability checks
3.Pay the abilities upkeep costs (here u spend the AP)
4. Determine the initiative
3) Action phase
As you can see haste cannot buy you your upkeeps and keep you at your max AP at the same time. No present ability that takes place in the recovery or upkeep phase can do that
Actually you can...
Sidebar: Haste page 33 Mainrules
"If the unit has a special ability with Upkeep active, the controlling player can choose to remove a haste counter to pay the ability's Upkeep instead of recovering the Action Point."
- Raith
Wow and i thought that haste was now a very powerful buff.
Thanks Raith