I am not sure if this falls under the "commercial use" category, I tend to think not, but if so, I apologize beforehand.
I am trying to get Battlefleet Gothic minis, preferably prepainted. I have so far attained a few on ebay, but I think they are going to end up being battleships and I need and want smaller ships, like Dauntless, Sword, the typical RT ships. So, I am willing to trade if others have them to trade. I think of the 6 ships I have arriving, 3 are big battleships and 3 look like they might be lunar or tyrant cruisers. I cant tell from the pictures yet.
Also, has anyone painted any BFG ships for RT? Can you post pictures?
Are there any pictures of an Orion class Star Clipper? I want to create one with the bits I end up with, and have no idea what it looks like.