Battlefleet Gothic Ships

By player359820, in Rogue Trader

I am not sure if this falls under the "commercial use" category, I tend to think not, but if so, I apologize beforehand.

I am trying to get Battlefleet Gothic minis, preferably prepainted. I have so far attained a few on ebay, but I think they are going to end up being battleships and I need and want smaller ships, like Dauntless, Sword, the typical RT ships. So, I am willing to trade if others have them to trade. I think of the 6 ships I have arriving, 3 are big battleships and 3 look like they might be lunar or tyrant cruisers. I cant tell from the pictures yet.

Also, has anyone painted any BFG ships for RT? Can you post pictures?

Are there any pictures of an Orion class Star Clipper? I want to create one with the bits I end up with, and have no idea what it looks like.

The fast clipper used the old Space Fleet thunderbolt cruiser model when posted in BFG magazine.


(From Stuff of Legends)

What battleships did you get?


Repulsive class GC painted up as a RT ship. Kitbashed from a repulsive kit and a chaos crusier. Was designed as a salvaged and rebuilt Righteous Path




Iconoclasts/raiders in the same color scheme


Dictator class cruiser with power ram


Gothic class cruiser with NC


Long Serpent Class BC, kitbashed from Dauntless LC, IN cruiser and battleship kit.



Armageddon class BC

I had more, but Port Maw is offline, so I can't link them.

It looks to me like I got all cruisers, but cant tell yet they have not arrived. I thought they were battleships, but not so.

Yeah, the same kit builds most cruiser and BC variants. The exception are Armageddon class BCs, Defiant, Endevour, Endurance basically anything with the 'Voss' style prow) and Dauntless LCs.

Washes, airbrush, and drybrushing tend to get the best results if you want to paint them yourself.

GW actually does produce a Rogue trader cruiser, but it's a pattern we don't have rules for yet.

Those are some good looking ships, sir.

I saw that Rogue Trader cruiser. I tired to find BFG rules for it, but no luck? Do you know where they are?

I am thinking of drawing out an Orion, and was going to keep the same shape as a Dauntless but much thinner and minus the prow. I like the prow, but would a non-ramming ship have one?

Not allowed to repost them, but they used to be up on GW's website someplace as a PDF

I've always been partial to the Voss prows myself. They have the 'great white fleet' vibe to them.

IIRC GW's RT cruiser were offically the Kar-Dush class, or something similar. they were from the galactic south, near Ultramar, and were a locally made cruiser, like the Lathe class is for Calixis.

Edit: Kar-Dunish. It's the segmentum fortress for Ultima Segmentum. Broadly speaking, it's similar to the Tyrant, though it seems to be able to fit a weapon broadside on it's prow slot.

I like the way Chaos ships appear. I asked once before, but never got a response, if the basic shape of the Chaos ships is the way all ships looked before the Heresy, since they are unaging in the warp. Any ideas?

IIRC the Lunar class only came into service in M37. So, Chaos ships arn't just how most IN cruisers looked before and during the heresy, they're how they looked for some time after. Battleships though had quite a bit of variety to them, ranging from the Emperor and Apocalypse classes to the Desolator class to one off ships such as Terminus Est .

My theory, which doesn't contradict anything that I've found but is only my theory, is that the Chaos ships represent the most common of the ship layouts in the Heresy era, and that the current style existed alongside them in limited numbers. Over the years it became evident that the ships adhering to the pointier design were more likely to fall to rebellion (flaws in the warp geometries? Sheer bad luck?) and all new-build ships from about the Age of Apostacy onwards have been of the "current" pattern.

I think it has more to do with Chaos having siezed several Forge Worlds which created these ships, and just continued to crank them out. I did some reasearch and found this on what might be a bit of fan material.

Darth Fanboy said:

My theory, which doesn't contradict anything that I've found but is only my theory, is that the Chaos ships represent the most common of the ship layouts in the Heresy era, and that the current style existed alongside them in limited numbers. Over the years it became evident that the ships adhering to the pointier design were more likely to fall to rebellion (flaws in the warp geometries? Sheer bad luck?) and all new-build ships from about the Age of Apostacy onwards have been of the "current" pattern.

Well, .... no, not really, as the older patterns are still used in reserve fleets. The introduction of the Sword class is mentioned in passing in Flight of the Eisenstien . The Lunar class was chosen to replace the Murder in M37 (IIRC due to it's ease of construction and upkeep over the more powerful Murder , and a thousand years after the Age of Apostasy) however, it was found to be lacking in firepower, which led to the Tyrant class in M38. There's no record of Lunar 's before M37, and it's sudden entry into the fleet in the 'recent' past suggests a rediscovered STC design.

Of the five hundred Murder class cruisers produced at Cypra Mundi between M32 and M37, about 150 (depending on source) went over to Chaos, with the rest in mothballs, sold off, or scrapped. An unknown number of other vessels based on the same hull are also kept in reserve, including Carnage class cruisers and Hades class heavy cruisers.

These ships aren't that hard to paint. I'm not a great mini painter, but people complement my ships. I spray paint black, then cover with a base color, then paint and dry brush the features that stick out of the model. For many years I avoided painting minis, but now that I've gotten back into it I"m enjoying it.

Spaceships are much easier than people w/ faces. Thank the emperor for space helmets. :)

So I got my first 6 cruisers from E-bay. They are already painted, not too bad, but I am going to try and convert a few into Rogue Traders. Once of them is broken from its base, so I am probably going to use it first.

So, how can I dissolve the glue, or is that even possible? Would I be better off using a drimmel tool to dismantle it? Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.


What sort of glue is it? (The major problem is that if it's, say, plastic cement, most things that will dissolve the glue will also dissolve the mini.)

Not sure. Nothing to advanced I would imagine. Probably typical model cement. 6 cruisers, looks like he tried to make one of each of the 7 basics minus 1. Here is a question for you: The fins on the side, are they supposed to match or is the left different from the right?

They're slightly different. Unless you mean paint wise, where it's entirely a matter of preference.

If you want RT vessels, try looking for Sword Class Frigates and Cobra destroyers. I saw some of those on Ebay. Forge World also got Q-ships and Armed Freighters for sale. Both are excellent for RT.

Well, on two of the ships the command tower is crooked, so I need to chop them off and straighten them. I am going to try and turn one into an Orion class clipper, but it might be harder than I suspect. They are 3 km long and 400 meters wide, so these cruisers are too long and fat. I might just get a Dauntless and stretch it out with some spare parts, not sure yet.

It sounds like you've signed yourself up for some serious work on these without the benefit of an extensive BFG bit box. I would suggest looking at one of Forgeworlds 'long hulled' freighters and adding, say, the engines off a IN cruiser with some greenstuff.

The prow of an Orion Clipper isn't a million miles away from that of a Sword class Frigate... maybe clip the prow off a sword and mount it on a transport? You might need to thin the Transport down a bit, as it might be a bit bulky for the sleek-looking Orion class.

Where have you seen a pic of an Orion? I can't find one anyplace.

I was thinking of the prow of the Dauntless too. I am going to carve one of these extra cruisers down as thin as possible, might even chop two to of them up.

I have noticed the structure behind the bridge on the basic Lunar cruiser which sit above the engines, and if I can get three of these, they will encompass the main body forward. I will place the bridge as far aft as possible. I have considered using what are the normal fins of the Lunar cruiser as the keel fin. Keeping its width to 400 meters is the real issue.

Sister Callidia said:

If you want RT vessels, try looking for Sword Class Frigates and Cobra destroyers. I saw some of those on Ebay. Forge World also got Q-ships and Armed Freighters for sale. Both are excellent for RT.

I have trying to corner the market on the figs on ebay right now! Wish me luck, unless you are bidding against me! I must be bidding on 30 lots right now in the hopes of getting just a few ships to work with.

If it's you bidding against me on the two space marine strike cruisers, stop. I need them for my Armageddon fleetlist.

BaronIveagh said:

If it's you bidding against me on the two space marine strike cruisers, stop. I need them for my Armageddon fleetlist.

No, not me. I did not even see them. I did see where a Space Marine Battle Barge was in a lot of a boxed set, went for about $50. I am bidding on a bunch of cruisers and light cruisers listed seperately.