New Talent: Controlled Fire

By Face Eater, in Dark Heresy House Rules

Pre-requisites: Ballstic Skill 45

The character is a true proffesional with semi-automatic weapons. They are able to pour accurate fire on to their targets. In many cases with not a shot being wasted.

Effects: When firing a Basic, Heavy or Single pistol on Semi-Automatic fire rate the character scores an additional hit per degree of success rather than every 2 degress of success. The total number of hits still limited to the weapons semi-automatic rate of fire.

If your games house rules have rules limiting the fully automatic additional hits, such as maximum ranges. Then they will apply to characters with this skill

Available for :

Class Rank Cost

Assassin Death Adept (6) 200

Assassin Assassin at Marque (7) 200

Arbitrator Arbitrator (5) 100

Guardsmen Veteran (5) 100

Scum Rogue (5) 100

Sororitas Elohim (5) 100

I know a lot of you have house rules that make this redunant anyway, but if you don't I think it's a nice balancing factor.

Not a bad idea balance-wise Face Eater. Most weapons will be limited to 3 hits in this anyway, with only a very few exceptions. One of the nicer benefits of it is that it will also make Dodging Semi-auto fire "harder", since you get more hits on average.

I am for many of the solutions that help bring forth Semi-auto fire a bit more in the game, but even if I do like the intended game effect, I think I would rather approaach the problem from a different angle in this case.

Personally, I am not a fan of additional Talents being introduced, as it is already enough to keep in mind with the errata and any forthcoming new Career options. I would rather do something with the "core" mechanics of the game, to work more "within the system" as it were.

Still like the "core" idea itself though :-)

Well not too bad as a talent, but I still feel the ones who need the extra hits are the poor half-trained Imperial Guardsmen with their Lasguns anyway, rank 5 seems a bit high.

Friend of the Dork said:

Well not too bad as a talent, but I still feel the ones who need the extra hits are the poor half-trained Imperial Guardsmen with their Lasguns anyway, rank 5 seems a bit high.

You might be right, I just thought it was appriopriate for special forces esque professionals but Sergent or Even Armsmen might be appropriate for Guardsmen, that could mean that I we need to make it available earlier for other classes but I guess they are less effected as they aren't supposed to be as worried about specifically using semi auto weapons.

To Uziel, I'll admit it's very much a bit of a shortcut to balance it without changing anything else.