Responding for "Sacrifice a unit" action with Master Rune of Spite.

By jacusinski, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

When someone use a card with action: Sacrifice a unit to do something; for example Lobber Crew or Gobbo Loot. Can I respond with Master Rune of Spite so that player first deal damage to his units and than choose a unit to sacrifice?

Lobber Crew is sacrificed as cost for its action, so you can respond wiht MRoS, but LC will still force you to sacrifice a unit of your own.

I'm not so sure - if it's happening in reaction, it occurs beforehand - since LC is an action - it could be dead BEFORE it gets to have its own action occur?

Since LC is an "Action:" + sacrifice, when you use the ability, LC hits the discard pile as part of the cost. Thus, if you activate it in response, LC hits the discard upon activating it. If no other responses, then you sort out the LIFO: opponent sacrifices a character to LC's Action, then MRoS resolves.

I really dont get this.

So there is an action chain right?

top of the chain is



Lobber sacrifice.

So as far as I know we just start from the top.

MROS kills the lobber crew.

now I go to resolve his sacrifce, and his not there... so it fizzles?

How do I change this so it makes sense, is there some reason to believe I've already sacrificed him so that when he dies, his paying for his sacrifice or something?



Stillborn said:

I really dont get this.

So there is an action chain right?

top of the chain is



Lobber sacrifice.

So as far as I know we just start from the top.

MROS kills the lobber crew.

now I go to resolve his sacrifce, and his not there... so it fizzles?

How do I change this so it makes sense, is there some reason to believe I've already sacrificed him so that when he dies, his paying for his sacrifice or something?



You're chain is correct but the sacrifice cost is paid when the Lobber crew activates, so:

1) Lobber crew activates his Action, sacrifices himself... he is gone

2) You do MROS

3) Both of you pass any further "in response" actions

The resolution:

1) MROS occurs, if he has any other units, he does damage to them but remember, Lobber Crew is already gone.

2) Lobber Crew effect occurs and you sacrifice a unit

Hence, there is no way to really stop a Lobber Crew unless you have a Cancel action type card, like the Bright Wizard Apprentice.

Sorry, this makes no sense. This is the text of Lobber Crew:

Action: Sacrifice this unit to force an opponent to sacrifice a unit he controls, if able.

Where does it say that sacrificing it is a cost? All other card games I know put the additional costs before the colon. On the Lobber Crew I can't see how sacrificing it should be a cost that is being paid before the card itself resolves on the chain. How I read the card sacrificing Lobber Crew is part of the effect its action has on the game. So it should be sacrificed after Master Rune of Spite resolves, thus not doing any harm at all.

Not as explicitly stated as rulelawyers would like, but found in the FAQ:

"Lobber Crew is
sacrificed as a cost for its own effect" (p. 9)

You know, I really hate to flame or anything, but players shouldn't be forced to read the examples of a completely different subject to find an answer to their questions. FFG should urgently re-word the rules so people know what is a cost and what isn't. If sacrificing Lobber Crew truely is a cost of the action, then it is poorly written and confusing.

So please FFG, put an explanation in the FAQ, so that things are made clearer!

From the FAQ: In order to successfully trigger a card effect, the player must declare that he is activating the card, declare targets, then pay any additional costs denoted on the card. If a player cannot fulfill any requirements to trigger a card effect, he cannot attempt to trigger it.

The player must fulfil the requirements (i.e. sacrifice the lobber crew) to be able to trigger the effect. It's not really a cost but a requirement (I think the example leads to false conclusions because of the poor wording). As long as the requirement is not fulfilled you can not trigger the effect and hence the opponent can not respond.

Yes, that is the exact problem. In the rules it is written that costs are what is written in the upper left corner of the card. It would have been better to declare what additional costs are because the term "cost" is very irritating in this case.

Don't get me wrong, but if you look at the cards from a TO's perspective, it is very difficult to judge what are costs and what ain't. Especially since it is written that the cards go on the chain before they resolve, it is very important to differ between "costs" and "additional costs / requirements". If this game wants to develop a healthy tournament scene these sloppy terms have to be made clearer to everyone.

I agree. FFG needs to create comprehensive rules like in other card games. This counts for every LCG.